Member • May 30, 2011
Welcome to Gadgets & Software Section!
The eagle eye readers must have noticed the new section in CE. Well, it's actually our CE - Reviews section which has gotten a new name. With the name change, the scope of the section is not just limited to posting reviews. We can now talk here about all the gadgets, gizmos and software. We encourage you to discuss following topics -
1. Any gadget: Phone, TV, Camera, Modem, Adapter... you got the idea.
2. Any software: Android, Windows, iOS, freeware, shareware it?
You may ask questions about any gadget or software, post your review, recommend your favorite software/gizmo to others and request feedback on anything. You may also post your generic questions about software, fixes, troubleshooting issues etc.
We hope you will flood our new section with your posts! Welcome everyone!:bighug: