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  • zaveri

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Nothing. just improve the quality of the posts and make them "likeable".
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 27, 2013

    Nothing. just improve the quality of the posts and make them "likeable".
    What was the problem that you inferred from the graph?
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  • pradeep.pawar

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Promoting the page, creating more attraction to the page. I think old members are going away, each time I see the same members are present online.
    Need to think and try making it more interesting and should approached by international members.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Well, The CEoM contest is responsible for the peaks on the first few days. Next as a leader emerges on the leader-broad, people think its a wasted effort and do not compete. As you can see from this month's leader-board the leader has a 13445, followed by 12070, 9225, 8070, 4570, 4335,
    , 3415. This goes to show that people are giving up real soon and as the month ends the number of posts take a dip.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    The solution, has already been found by you, I think. Multiple prizes (CEoM September 2013) could mean more competing participants as here more people will get a chance to win.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    The ratio of posts to likes seems to be more stable than the variation in frequency of posts. What I am getting at is that the percentage of posts getting a 'like' seems more constant than the number of posts.
    One inference of this is that there seems to be no unusual increase of trivial posts due to CoEM. There appears to be no need to press panic buttons.

    In a multi disciplinary community with members at varying experience levels, it is not possible to have a very high proportion of meaningful posts.
    That is not to say that we can sit back twiddling thumbs. Let us each resolve to put up more meaty responses.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 27, 2013

    The 'competition' basically dies out after the peak in the mid of the month; by which one or two CEans have already scored a lot more than the rest, making everyone else 'give up'. We're going to 'try' to see how it works with more prizes; but I still have doubts.

    One good advice I've received is that we should make it more difficult to score points. Any trivial post shouldn't earn points. Which means, we must make sure that the posts worthy of getting points should be well researched. Now, it does not mean you should really 'research' - but the post should offer some concrete information.

    There can't be automatic ways of judging this. One way to advance in this way is to improve the word count threshold required for getting points. Another could be offering more points to 'likes' received. We'll do a trial of this in CEoM September 2013.
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  • rahul69

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    The 'competition' basically dies out after the peak in the mid of the month; by which one or two CEans have already scored a lot more than the rest, making everyone else 'give up'. We're going to 'try' to see how it works with more prizes; but I still have doubts.

    One good advice I've received is that we should make it more difficult to score points. Any trivial post shouldn't earn points. Which means, we must make sure that the posts worthy of getting points should be well researched. Now, it does not mean you should really 'research' - but the post should offer some concrete information.

    There can't be automatic ways of judging this. One way to advance in this way is to improve the word count threshold required for getting points. Another could be offering more points to 'likes' received. We'll do a trial of this in CEoM September 2013.
    IMO one way to improve this is to add negative marking for trivial posts, so that there would be emergence of quality content only which will improve the overall competition in general and number of likes in particular.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 27, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# : Don't you think the competitors will use it against each other? I can always defend marking a post as 'less useful' or 'spammy'. This was thought of in the earlier design of the app, but was discarded because of this problem.

    Is there any other solution?
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  • rahul69

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# : Don't you think the competitors will use it against each other? I can always defend marking a post as 'less useful' or 'spammy'. This was thought of in the earlier design of the app, but was discarded because of this problem.

    Is there any other solution?
    Yeah, this problem may arise, unless the participants cannot vote for each others' post and only non- participating members are decision makers, guess that would put constraint on participants, but the decision is yours to make 😁.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 27, 2013

    Well limit the people who can offer negative points and your issue is solved too many spammy posts makes this competition lose interest after the first few days

    PS: I remember having too many dialogues rather than group discussions that was not Why many joined CE? Am I not right

    Some replies really looked that the person has replied for the sake of replying
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 28, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# : Is there any other solution?
    How about ramping up the scoring for posts (only for CEoM) based on the number of likes received for previous posts (in the competition). This can be automatic.
    This assumes that one cannot 'like' one's own posts.
    For each 'like' received subsequent 'likes' get some fixed extra points.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 28, 2013

    Interesting, let me see if that can be implemented quickly. The system does not allow anyone to like their own posts.
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  • whiz.kid.aniket

    MemberAug 30, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Screen Shot 2013-08-27 at 8.06.14 PM
    Read the graph & tell us what can we do to fix this?
    Honestly speaking, I dont like to spend time on CE anymore! dont know the reason. Maybe I miss old members! CE has lost it's spark. No offence!!
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 30, 2013

    Why not be a spark generator? Shock everyone out of the apathy?
    What was there earlier that is missing now?
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberAug 30, 2013

    So are you going to implement any new rules for sept ceom.Please inform us before any changes so that we can compete in best way.
    To be honest I accept the fact that I had also made replies at some point for the sake of points as said by @#-Link-Snipped-# so try new marking system.Sunmerise all the replies in this thread and make a good system.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 30, 2013

    Honestly speaking, I dont like to spend time on CE anymore! dont know the reason. Maybe I miss old members! CE has lost it's spark. No offence!!
    We don't take feedback as offence. However, we'll appreciate suggestions on improving things. It'd be even better if you could point out at specific things that can be improved.

    This website has been a creation of all our participating members who've built a great community over the time. I believe this community is more vibrant than before and we may need some structure to ensure that quality meets the quantity.

    So are you going to implement any new rules for sept ceom.Please inform us before any changes so that we can compete in best way.
    To be honest I accept the fact that I had also made replies at some point for the sake of points as said by @#-Link-Snipped-# so try new marking system.Sunmerise all the replies in this thread and make a good system.

    Yes, there will be few changes to the way CEoM September. Expect an announcement today.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 30, 2013

    Well being honest, CEoM is the reason which is proving to be a boon as well as a bane for this. This game is started to encourage activity here and it is serving that purpose very efficiently. Even I was online here for like 10 hours a day creating stuff and trying to move up the ladder. The points till 2500 are really challenging since everyone has an equal head start. So the activity is like high up shooting. After people cross over 5000, the activity is down by like 50%, main reason? the guy who started playing on 7-10th of the month already missed his chance to win (as he thinks) and he slacks for the rest of the month. Dats it, we missed a potential contributor. And this is story to a lot of applicants. Why do you think we have 50+ applications for CEoM every month and hardly 10 contribute? Same reason.

    I expect you might be having a copy of leaderboard on daily basis. Compare that and the activity for that day. You will get my point.

    The one solution to this I can give and guaranty it will be effective is Make CEoD. Make the game on daily basis not monthly. Everyone gets a fair chance to win. You are already paying 10k bucks in rewards from next month. Make 300 bucks everyday win. And trust me, 300 income daily is not less for students. Even I would want to win daily.

    Talking about people like @#-Link-Snipped-# @#-Link-Snipped-# , they had an execllent chance to win till the time they were active. When they got busy, they came back after handling their stuff, and they thought we miss the chance and ultimately their activity reduced too. Even I slacked for 3-4 days when I was super busy and Also I thought it was cool if i relax for 3-4 days. No one is overtaking me. That needs to be stopped. Even @#-Link-Snipped-# Got busy and his activity went down. When this can happen to regular contributors, why can't it happen to new people. We need to keep them sticking and we ourselves are not active enough.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 30, 2013

    I like that suggestion. That will require a lot of changes to the way the app works. But it's still doable.

    The only issue is that we cannot pay on daily basis. We'll have to think about some mechanism to make payments.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 30, 2013

    For the payments there is one thing you can do. Give them credits for their earnings in their accounts. Flush all the cash prize at first of every month. That can be done too. Or there can be a facility where the user can forward a flush reward request to the admin before date if he is in genuine need of money in which case you can rightfully deduct 20% for pre-payment.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 31, 2013

    Remember the payment style in CE grand Quiz that can be followed and used for CEom As well and I think all CEans will like this
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 31, 2013

    One more thing if we need to improve the technical content of the thread CEom may not involve CE Debate Masterminds
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberSep 2, 2013

    Ok, I have a suggestion hide the points. Just show them up only on 15th of every month and then on the last day.

    This way, people dont know how much others have and they contribute on their will. what ever the assumptions they make are left to themselves. But this works. Hiding the score.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberSep 2, 2013

    Ok, I have a suggestion hide the points. Just show them up only on 15th of every month and then on the last day.

    This way, people dont know how much others have and they contribute on their will. what ever the assumptions they make are left to themselves. But this works. Hiding the score.

    Dont hide score. They might think it is manipulated. We want transparent game
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberSep 2, 2013

    Ok, I have a suggestion hide the points. Just show them up only on 15th of every month and then on the last day.

    This way, people dont know how much others have and they contribute on their will. what ever the assumptions they make are left to themselves. But this works. Hiding the score.
    Well, addition ain't that tough 😉
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberSep 2, 2013

    It is, you might get random likes, and few posts will be moved here and there 😀

    Few posts will be deleted , so I think adding is not difficult but understanding what to add will be fun 😀

    And talking about transparency, it will be transparent. if people think its not then thankyou very much.
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