  • Good evening engineers , actually I m really confused I poured 10 cm pcc layer last week and now I want to isolate the pcc layer by rubberised bitumen emulison poly coat to protect the bottom of the rcc reinforcement coz we all know that rcc is isolated from all elevations except bottom where pcc is under the rcc but some expirenced engineer say that waterproofing the pcc weakens the friction between the rcc and the pcc

    What is the best solution to do and what is the best bitumen for water proofing the foundation ??? And how many layers of bitumen is enough to provide protection!!!!
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 2, 2017

    Maybe the discussions here will be of help:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Why we need to do PCC?</a>
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  • Jay Kosta

    MemberJan 3, 2017

    How smooth is the top surface of the pcc?
    Has it been smoothed with a float, broom finish, unfinished after being screed, ... ?
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  • KSS Manian

    MemberMay 20, 2017

    Good evening engineers , actually I m really confused I poured 10 cm pcc layer last week and now I want to isolate the pcc layer by rubberised bitumen emulison poly coat to protect the bottom of the rcc reinforcement coz we all know that rcc is isolated from all elevations except bottom where pcc is under the rcc but some expirenced engineer say that waterproofing the pcc weakens the friction between the rcc and the pcc

    What is the best solution to do and what is the best bitumen for water proofing the foundation ??? And how many layers of bitumen is enough to provide protection!!!!

    May I know why you need to isolate it and why you prefer only Bitumen.
    As per my knowledge Bitumen thick sheets may use to absorb the vibration transmitted by the building (Eg. Bridges) and act as a cushion.
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