Water pollution

There was a time when we used to consider water as God. In any religion or civilization may be Roman, Greek, Aryan or Greek etc we have a God of Water.

Sadly in 21st century we have kept that God for sale in market. We consider water as a consumable commodity which can be bought for money and waste and dishonor it.

There was a time when water was free for everyone now we pay money(Tax) for it. Someday we will pay tax for air too.

So my question is what can we do to control pollution and wastage of natural resources and to change people's attitude towards whole environmental scenario?
What say people? ๐Ÿ˜’


  • maria flor
    maria flor
    It's one of the question in our environmental engineering...water pollution.๐Ÿ˜€
    They said "Water is life" but still they keep on throwing garbage on rivers, lakes and seas. Many families who lives near rivers or sea throw their garbage and wastes there(rivers/sea). Many countries in world implements act in order to discipline and control water pollution.
    The people should be more discipline and be inform about the effects of water pollution not only to them but also to their community. People should be cooperative to government and help each other in cleaning and avoiding water pollution in their place.
    Each country should have a polluted water treatment plants...๐Ÿ˜€
  • narayana murthy
    narayana murthy
    @ishu: i think we are paying for drinking water but not for all because we had plenty of water but less drinking water
    anyway i am sure we also pay tax for oxygen in coming days
    because pollution is increasing
  • freak16
    Water Water everywhere but not a single drop to drink
    By Samuel Colerige
  • yanivx
    Don't u think we aware people here are criticizing the world but we also play a major role in adding to the pollution of all sorts....
    Human consumption, which is itself expensive. Reduce consumption (lots of comfortable ways to do that in reducing waste),reducing pollution will also help u reduce expenditure..... think a minute..... ๐Ÿ˜‰
    The seond thing to remember is that polluting and waste are only financially efficient if costs are externalized.....for e.g. Buy cheap styrofoam cup, pay more to landfill it later. Buy costlier biodegrabable fiber cup, pay little further costs. Upfront, the foam is cheaper, but overall, the two may be same or the fiber cup may be cheaper.
    When one focuses on total cost of our actions, rather than upfront costs, the concept of zero investment becomes a lot more approchable......
    Eutrophication is caused directly and indirectly by the above two factors..... Reduce the amount of stuff we have to build, means fewer processes draining into waterways. More importantly, make factories pay for their damage (or mitigating it) up front, rather than taxing or fining them after the damge is done, which usually is more expensive for them anyway..... planting of water hyacinth also helps in reducing industrial wastes..... so play ur part..... and stop blaming others ..... God bless us all ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • shubhankar
    natural resources are being exploited more than the specified limits. this ,in some or the other way hits back on the human beings. we cannot challenge nature. we must take utmost care to protect it and this can be done when we inculcate a sense of belongingness
  • johnpatrick
    Of course, the present situation is too badly going on this issue. People are not bothered on the concept of spending water without considering the affect may cause in future. Only thing we can do is try to provide a better awareness to the public and turn them to right way. Mostly, we are not considering such polluting activities as it will not affect us. But, they often forgets that the result hardly hit on the new generation. I have to know about the topic well when i looked in a paper found in online site. That influenced to consider each thing as serious one, if it is small or big, to keep rhythm of natural resources. Every person should take it as a mandatory to avoid their over doings and ensure nice going.

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