  • A warning that fake and potentially dangerous invites are being circulated is in order.
    Though the Google+ invite email from a friend or stranger looks quite enticing, it just might lead to some undesired consequences. This of course, is a measure of just how popular the service already is, or perhaps, just how hip our cyber predators have become.

    Keep a couple of things in mind before clicking on an invite mail – ask yourself if you've ever registered with Google+ to keep yourself posted, if not, ask yourself if you know the person sending you this mail; and if you do open the mail, ask yourself if you are sure the link the invite is pointing you to is an authentic Google one. Unforunately, even if you answered yes to all these questions, the link might still be malicious, and so, the only real hope is to be truly wary. Or in this case, hope that Google goes out of 'limited capacity' mode soon, and gets the invite craze over with.

    Via: Think Digit
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJul 6, 2011

    Never Post your Email ID on the site which offers Google + Invite.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 8, 2011

    Thanks AKD for sharing this... Everyone should make sure that they get request from their known friends... 😀
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