Member • Nov 14, 2011
Member • Nov 14, 2011
Administrator • Nov 14, 2011
That's not a good approach to take. You shouldn't start a company because no company is hiring you. HTML isn't a skill that would fetch you a job with TCS or Infosys (I'd not rule it out though). You may however get a job with a media company or an SME which needs front end developer.*pushkar*Now a days, no company is hiring btech freshers so i am think to start with a small company but i am confused here. Like suppose i worked as Front end developer with HTML then can i shift in good companies like tcs, infosys etc as a front end developer.. I have seen that companies were asking for exp in a specific field 😒
Member • Nov 14, 2011
You shouldn't start a company because no company is hiring youYou have taken it in the wrong way.. I was saying working in a small company.. I was asking that can asp.net developer apply for other companies if there is any opening for .net developer only..and other company also hire him as a .net developer only.. Can't he work on other technology like SAP further??
Member • Nov 15, 2011
Member • Dec 6, 2011
Member • Dec 16, 2011