Member • Dec 5, 2011
Want to become an Entrepreneur but dont know how to initIate
One more thing i want to ask you do i need to be financially strong for this?
Member • Dec 5, 2011
Administrator • Dec 6, 2011
How have you helped economically backward students so far? Are you planning to teach Java to the poor students?vinciI just know that I have the capability to serve people with whole heart while my goals are also to provide free education to poor students (poor in terms of finance).I am not an expert develop in java but learning consistently to become so . Any suggestions about how and what to initiate?
One more thing i want to ask you do i need to be financially strong for this?
Member • Dec 6, 2011
Administrator • Dec 6, 2011
Member • Dec 14, 2011
Administrator • Dec 14, 2011
Totally depends on what you're trying to do. No matter how strong you are; it always helps to start small. It helps you taste the waters and you can make mistakes without worrying to lose lot of money. From personal experience; having limited funds will force you to be more creative and pay more attention to better use of the available resources.vinciOne more thing i want to ask you do i need to be financially strong for this?