  • no_atkt

    MemberJun 2, 2007

    Vote for Taj

    Well actually this thread doesnt belong here but i think it will get more attention here

    ok as most of u might know the 7 wonders of the world are being re-listed and this time around they have an online voting system to choose the new 7 wonders of the world ... i am sure none of us want the Taj to loose its prestigious wonder of the world titel .... please vote

    saare bolo "wah Taj"

    #-Link-Snipped-# ... give ur mail id and select ur new 7 .... make sure u fill in the details sent to u through email to register ur vote ...

    You can also vote through ur mobile fones:

    To vote for the Taj Mahal by SMS
    send TAJ to 4567

    The cost to send an SMS is Rs. 3 for all the following operators Prepaid and Postpaid: Airtel, Hutch, Spice, Tata Tele, Reliance Info, Reliance GSM, BPL. Exceptions: Rs. 1: MTNL Prepaid and Postpaid, BSNL Prepaid; Rs. 0.8: BSNL Postpaid. Only providers indicated above accept voting.

    The telephone voting service in India is provided by IMCL, who have contracted with N7W to provide this service. N7W will accept and recognize votes provided by IMCL under the terms of the contract, and N7W reserves the right to reject any votes should any commercial or regulatory disputes arise.

    now lets be Indians and here is how to voyte multiple times without giving email id: #-Link-Snipped-#

    guys do it ....
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  • MaRo

    MemberJun 2, 2007

    My vote was for Pyramids 😁

    but found this...

    Taj rocks (Y)

    Statue of liberty wouldn't be even of the seven wonders of my home! :S
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  • no_atkt

    MemberJun 2, 2007

    dude the pyramids are not even for voting they are 1 of the new 7 wonders

    After careful consideration, the New7Wonders Foundation designates the Pyramids of Giza—the only remaining of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World—as an Honorary New7Wonders Candidate.

    Therefore, you cannot vote for the Pyramids of Giza as part of the New7Wonders campaign.

    This decision has also taken into account the views of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. The Pyramids are a shared world culture and heritage site and deserve their special status as the only Honorary Candidate of the New7Wonders of the World campaign.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 3, 2007

    I understand the sentiment. But 'Announcements' section should not be misutilized. This section gets announcements related to our website and not the news from the world.

    Please keep this in mind. Moving the thread to Chit Chat section.

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberJun 4, 2007

    as long as u vote it dont matter where the thread is :smile:
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2007

    as long as u vote it dont matter where the thread is :smile:
    Exactly, that's the reason why we have Chit-Chat section. Post all such threads in Chit Chat section and we'll have no issues with it.

    I hope you got my point.

    -The Big K-
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 2, 2007

    I'm not really happy with the way new seven wonders are being chosen. A country with large number of online users will definitely vote for the entry which belongs to their country.

    So, does that mean the only criteria for choosing a new wonder is purely decided by the number of people who think it is a wonder? That's not how it should be, what say? 😁

    -The Big K-
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 8, 2007

    I'm not really happy with the way new seven wonders are being chosen. A country with large number of online users will definitely vote for the entry which belongs to their country.

    So, does that mean the only criteria for choosing a new wonder is purely decided by the number of people who think it is a wonder? That's not how it should be, what say? 😁

    -The Big K-
    Updating with status ...

    Taj is in new list (On the top..).. 😁 for more details (list of new 7 winders.. do googling....)

    -Go crazy
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