  • HI there,
    I am working on a project and that requires various biological characterization of the specimen. I am a mechanical engineer so most of the things are just bouncing of my head. Can anyone please explain the following two procedures
    1. Cytotoxicity Test
    2. Hemolysis Test
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 16, 2015

    1. Cytotoxicity refers to the behaviour of material or process towards cells. In developing medical devices evaluating cytotoxicity is one of the criteria for checking the suitability of the material or process for the intended purpose.

    2. Hemolysis Test. This refers to the damage done by the medical device and/or procedure to the red cells of blood. Hemolysis (breakdown of red cells) is one of the criteria for blood compatibility of whatever is being evaluated.
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  • RVignesh

    MemberOct 16, 2015

    Sir, i went through both these standards, what i am failing to understand is that within the 10993:5 standards there are many different cytotoxicity tests. How am i supposed to find out which one suits my purpose.

    Secondly, the standard talks about postive control media and negative control media, what are these.
    Why should i use only DMEM or other serums, why cant blood be used directly as the culture media?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 16, 2015

    Blood is a complex liquid tissue. Too many variables.
    Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute is a Cofrac certified central government institute in Trivandrum, which is fully equipped to do these tests.
    You may try contacting them.
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Customer Service Cell - Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum (SCTIMST)</a>
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