  • supersona

    MemberNov 11, 2011

    Urgently needed plz

    hi.. i am doing a project on texture analysis.. can u provide me a code for calculating GLCM manually?? I am not able to do it..
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberDec 22, 2011

    Is this what you need?

    The image used is excerpted from Path 41, Row 25 of Landsat 7 ETM+, acquired on 4 September 1999. This is an area in the Rocky Mountain Foothills near Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada. The western edge of the image contains steep slopes and deep valleys. To the east are both grassland and annual crops, mostly grains. The eastern area is dissected by numerous small streams or "coulees." This image provides a variety of textures and edges.

    All textures have been calculated using the red band.

    Two areas have been circled in all images to make comparisons easy.

    Buttons above provide links to details about each calculation and the equations used.
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