  • Scientists across various fields today face the challenge of processing large amounts of data, wherein traditional applications fail to deliver. Researchers at University of Illinois seem to have found a solution to this conundrum in futuristic technology. The system, known as CAVE2, is an 8-foot-high screen, 320 degrees wide, encapsulating the viewer in the virtual world.

    [caption id="attachment_46321" align="aligncenter" width="600"]#-Link-Snipped-# CAVE2[/caption]

    The 3D environment created by the 72 stereoscopic liquid crystal display panels can take the user aboard the Starship enterprise, on a voyage to Mars, or take you for a stroll between the blood vessels in the brain. Picture large amounts of data, for example, the forces behind a hurricane, and CAVE2 will turn it into a simulation that is much easier for a Researcher to explore and observe. All the user needs is 3D glasses and a controller aptly named "wand" to study data in an interactive way, like detecting brain aneurysms and determining proper treatment.

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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