  • tech_vaibhav_ee

    MemberApr 18, 2011

    Universal Gate

    This was one of the questions asked to me during an interview. If anyone knows the answer, please reply.

    Which of the following can behave as a universal gate:

    1) Xnor + invertor
    2)And + or
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberApr 18, 2011

    i think 2nd option is answer
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  • hexreader

    MemberApr 19, 2011

    narayana murthy
    i think 2nd option is answer
    I think you are alone in choosing option 2.

    See #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • vikeshrajan

    MemberApr 24, 2011

    definitely 2 nd option is correct..............
    because of these(OR and NOT)we will develop other gate i.e.NOR
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  • everett.pattison

    MemberMay 3, 2011

    The NAND gate (inverted AND gate) is considering the universal gate because you can create any of the other logic circuits (OR, NOR, NOT, etc.) from it.

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  • hexreader

    MemberMay 3, 2011

    definitely 2 nd option is correct..............
    because of these(OR and NOT)we will develop other gate i.e.NOR
    I agree that you can make a NOR gate out of OR and NOT.

    Trouble is that the original post was this:

    Which of the following can behave as a universal gate:

    1) Xnor + invertor
    2)And + or
    Option 2 does not mention a NOT gate.

    Definitely 2nd option is wrong.

    Neither option can be used for a universal gate.
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