  • Ranjeet

    MemberMar 24, 2016

    Tutorials on REST API?

    Hello Folks,
    I want to learn and implement REST api in my next project. Please share your ideas, articles or tutorials on REST api, how to use REST? pros and cons of REST api> etc..
    Thank you.
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberMar 24, 2016

    Ranjeet Kasture
    Hello Folks,
    I want to learn and implement REST api in my next project. Please share your ideas, articles or tutorials on REST api, how to use REST? pros and cons of REST api> etc..
    Thank you.
    Always try to search first! And then if you've some specific things to ask, you can come up with them on the forum.

    If you don't show what you've researched, why would people help you?

    I'm helping you here, just in a hope that you'll come up with a research in your next question.

    A quick Google Search reveals this:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Representational State Transfer</a>
    understand what REST architectural style pattern means. How it utilizes HTTP verbs to manipulate resources.

    Then go to a tutorial for particular implementation of the same. For example, for Flask, the tutorial by Miguel Grinberg: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask -</a>

    Also, if you're using django, then documentation of DRF (Django REST Framework) would be your best bet!
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