  • What is going on? 😔

    A suicide truck bombing destroyed the packed Marriott Hotel, near the Parliament building and the prime minister's home, in the city of Islamabad, Pakistan, on Saturday night.

    The attack killed at least 40 people and wounded another 200, police said.

    People were still trapped in the hotel, which burst into flames after the explosion caused a natural gas pipe leak, officials said. The fire was still burning at 2 a.m., six hours after the blast, according to The Associated Press.

    Rescuers worked to move bloodied bodies from the hotel but were forced to stop out of fear that the structure could collapse.

    Details and the number of fatalities are still unclear because of conflicting initial reports. One or two vehicles was involved in the attack.
    Read more: Deadly blast targets Marriott Hotel in Islamabad -

    We CEans really need to think up on how to combat these idiots. From the New Delhi blasts and now this, they are getting bolder. I remember living in Islamabad in 1992, things were pretty peaceful.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 20, 2008

    Humans are killing each other. This is just the start of the end of mankind; is it not?
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Sunnyrulz

    MemberSep 21, 2008 city just went under a historic and most horrifying terrorist attack...!!!
    This was the 10th terrorist attack in Islamabad since its creation...!!
    Please pray for the safety of all the humans...!! 😔
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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