  • Hi team! 😀

    I've about 250 contacts in my Samsung SGH-E-840 & I want to transfer all of them to my Motorazr V3. I tried the transfer through Bluetooth, but for some unknown reason, Samsung mobile doesn't setup a bluetooth connection with Motorazr for transferring the contacts.

    One way of doing this could be taking a backup of phone book in CSV format & restoring it on Motorazr. However, the faulty software that came along with Samsung doesn't allow me strore contacts in CSV format. 😒

    What's your suggestion?

    -The Big K-
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  • Rocker

    MemberJan 7, 2008

    Hi team! 😀

    I've about 250 contacts in my Samsung SGH-E-840 & I want to transfer all of them to my Motorazr V3. I tried the transfer through Bluetooth, but for some unknown reason, Samsung mobile doesn't setup a bluetooth connection with Motorazr for transferring the contacts.

    One way of doing this could be taking a backup of phone book in CSV format & restoring it on Motorazr. However, the faulty software that came along with Samsung doesn't allow me strore contacts in CSV format. 😒

    What's your suggestion?

    -The Big K-
    Transfer your contacts to the SIM card and transfer the SIM to new phone. Then restore your phonebook. I have both Nokia and Samsung and I can easily transfer contact between the two using bluetooth.
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