Member • Aug 23, 2007
transfer rate
hi im an electrician and i can not program and dont understand any of this or the various options i am going to use a device which will use a serial interface rs232 or422 it will give 1000 pieces of data/sec (10 bites each i think) which will be into a laptop the transfer rate is 1.2k baud to 460.8k baud,ascii,8n1 i dont really understand this. i want to set parameters to obtain data from this data stream it says it has programming with windows terminal program (eg ldm tool or hyperterminal) i dont understand that either, i would like the data to be stored in a simple program can anyone explain this a little to me?
i dont need this extra info answered now but i would also like to remotely start/stop/reset the program and device and have the data return to the remote device several hundred meters away and be displayed any cheap and easy solutions , i think there are many options i just dont know them and they probably arent cheap or easy?
i dont need this extra info answered now but i would also like to remotely start/stop/reset the program and device and have the data return to the remote device several hundred meters away and be displayed any cheap and easy solutions , i think there are many options i just dont know them and they probably arent cheap or easy?