  • Quote:
    The new system uses its on-board sensor to detect the risk of collision with an obstacle or pedestrian, initially warning the driver with visual and audible alerts.

    Pre-collision brake assist and automated braking functions are activated when the system detects a sustained high risk of collision. In a situation where a collision is unavoidable with brakes alone and there is enough room available, it will steer the vehicle away from the hazard. Endquote

    Read more: #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 18, 2013

    I have studied the article and all the comments were my doubts, I was not able to watch the video though!

    I am still a bit worried about on what direction the car swings in order to avoid an oncoming pedestrian etc.

    But as an Engineer interested in automation, I love what they have done and I am ready to test it too 😁
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberOct 19, 2013

    Saandeep Sreerambatla
    I have studied the article and all the comments were my doubts, I was not able to watch the video though!

    I am still a bit worried about on what direction the car swings in order to avoid an oncoming pedestrian etc.
    If you had watched the video you would have got the answer.Ok I will explain.The on-board sensor and the camera monitors the road and if there is any quick movement and especially in front of the vehicle the sensor first sends alarming signal to the ECU and ECU will notify the oncoming obstacle.It immediately slows down the vehicle by activating the brake.Brake alone can't avoid collision So the automatic steering is activated.By analysing the data recorded(whether the pedestrian moves from right to left or vice versa),auto steering is activated and operated.
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