  • Hi all,
    I am new to this forum. I have completed my BTech in Electronics and Telecom. this year. I got a job in software ,currently developing aplication on symbian c++ .But I am intresed in my branch.
    so please tell me in detail what r the job oppetunity in electronics field.
    what should i do right now.
    Any suggestion in this regards will highly aprecited....
    Thanks in advance.....
    Best Regards
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 30, 2007

    I'm glad to hear from you. At least you are one of those rare few, who want to shift away from the typical IT job to work related to your engineering branch.

    One advantage that you have is that you are new to the industry. In my opinion, it would be a bit difficult to shift career track once you spend few years in the IT world. This is the best time that you should look for opportunities in electronics.

    Following would be my suggestions to you-
    1. Make sure that you are good at the concepts you learned during your engineering studies. Spend some time revising important topics.
    2. Work on your resume and post it on job portals. This is the best way to get job offers from companies who are looking for electronics engineers.
    3. Get in touch with your seniors through the alumni network of your college. You'll surely find your seniors who are working / have worked in the electronics field. Request them to recommend you or forward your resume to the companies they work for. Nothing works better than a recommendation.

    ...and finally, be around on CE. CE is the best place to get in touch with engineers who'd like to help you.

    Do let us know if you need answers to any specific questions that you might have in your mind. We'll be happy to help 😀

    All the best.

    (This thread will be moved to CE - General Help section soon)

    -The Big K-
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  • kishore

    MemberOct 31, 2007

    - Big K-. thanks for ur suggestions. actually i want to prepare for Gate(iit) and
    other govt. services.
    how i should start my prep..
    any sugg.. will be highly apreciated
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