  • A lot of engineers at our Community are keen on sending suggestions to the editorial team on what they want to see written on CrazyEngineers VoiCE.
    Here is a dedicated discussion for you to write down the topic you want the Editorial Team to write about.

    It could be a topic of your interest, a news that you want to share, an interesting idea you came across - Anything!

    We can't promise to cover every single tip - but we will definitely considered the non-put-down-able ones!
    The team (@#-Link-Snipped-# @#-Link-Snipped-# @#-Link-Snipped-# @#-Link-Snipped-#) will keep a watch on this thread and will make it a point to give you a special mention in the article for the same.

    More power to the Engineers' Community!

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    MemberJan 20, 2014

    There are a lot of things that you can write about. for example candies and chocolates, footwear and textiles technology, mining and allied operations, bio-medical. I know that you do not want to convert CE into another Wikipedia. So simply you can write about the new technologies that come in these fields and more.

    I read voiCE whenever I get time. I see more of gadgets, mobiles etc and less of other domains.

    P.S: Let me be anonymous in any post. All the best to team.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMay 18, 2014

    If you guys comes across a Tech news worth mentioning on CE, you can post about it here and tag us [USERGROUP=80]@Editorial[/USERGROUP] 👍

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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberMay 19, 2014

    Brian Krzanich, Intel's CEO confirmed that Broadwell processors are going to arrive this holidays (around Christmas).
    On side note, Broadwell processors have few new instruction sets for ADX, PREFETCHW & RSEED.
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