  • We've had a hot discussion about TCS Layoff To Affect 25000 Employees?. I was discussing general hiring polities adopted by companies with a senior official from the industry and what he had to say was very interesting: -

    "When employees leave the company for better jobs and packages, do they really think about the impact it has on the company? There are several people who don't even serve the notice period and leave on a short notice. So why make a big deal when company fires you?"

    I've seen this happen in corporate companies. Employees leave the company as soon as they get higher salary packages, leaving their roles and responsibilities. Many times it's extremely difficult to find good replacement immediately; which results into direct loss to the company. So what's wrong if the company decides to leave the employee to make more money? It's vice-versa!

    What do you think?
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberDec 30, 2014

    Thanks #-Link-Snipped-# 😀
    Company is al-right with the funda of : Employee don't think about their situation when they leave. But there are few points which should be considered when talking about the mass lay off.
    1. What is the criteria of laying off the Employee? Company can not just close the discussion saying its performance issue. Employee should be aware of what is the reason behind this? Where does he lack? He /she should have given a fare chance to improve his/her competencies (and Why not they!!). If, someday, company does an arrangement for a 360 degree appraisal, picture would be ridiculous.

    2. With due respect, I want to say that, salary does matter for an Employee. We all are aware that, these IT giants are making how much money per associate. So, if someone wants to sell his/her skills at a higher price, then what is the big deal in that? Other thing, the immediate replacement issue - in IT, almost no project has a critical issue. IT pool is comprising of ample number of employees who are capable of handling any situation (It may take few more time, but it is possible). Last point is my personal experience. 😛
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  • aarthivg

    MemberJan 31, 2015

    Layoff-removing an employee or a group of employee due to slow down of business or that particular post is no longer needed for the company.

    Slow down of business, is not only depend on the performance of an employee, but also decision made at top level of management.

    What if IT companies have union?
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJan 31, 2015

    Slow down of business
    Business is not slowed down my friend. It is ultimately due to cost cutting. Nothing else.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberDec 13, 2015

    Definitely yes! Until the company have a valid reason to fire someone. Something quantitative. Like an employee, they will reason it with higher compensation, better profile etc., the employer needs to do the same.
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