  • Category: The problem(s) I would love to solve as an engineer

    Hi All,

    Please find my ideas below (bit informal way):

    The Problem(s) I would love to solve as an engineer.

    1. Traffic Problem in MetroPolitans:

    As the problem of traffic is increasing day by day in metropolitans because increasing no of govt. Launched transports, I would like the government of my country to spend money in making running roads (kind of modernized trains only) instead of launching new metro trains, local trains, new BMTC, DTF, Volvo buses and etc which are enough bulky and large in size to occupy most of the part of road and causing traffic problems for normal private cars and taxis also.

    As a civil and mechanical engineer, I would like to have a road partitioned something like below:


    So now coming to the mechanism of running road I would like to have is:

    1. It will be a kind of narrow train (1seater but can be made like duplex buses), let me name it as ‘Moving Train’. It will be running all the time continuously 24 x 7 hrs on all two –way highways.

    2. There will be a bus code predefined for every bus stop. If a passenger wants to board this vehicle, he/she will enter that code at the appropriate bus stop (Source Stop) and driver of this moving train will get a signal that the passengers are there at bus stop with entered code.

    3. Automated entrance and payment mechanism for passengers will be used. Computer Engineers can be of help there. At the entrance door of the moving train, an ATM kind of machine will be there, passenger is supposed to enter the code of his destination of bus stop, if he/she enters an invalid code, door will not open .If he/she enters a valid destination code, it will ask to swipe a pre-assigned and pre-paid kind of train pass (no cash money allowed) and appropriate amount of fare will be deducted from the passenger’s pre-paid account balance. If user do not swipe the card but enters the destination bus code, an alarm will keep on ringing until he/she swipes the card. In this way payment will be done and entrance door for user will open for entering into the train. Simultaneously entered destination code will be sent as a signal to the driver of the bus. There will be automated software that will sort the list of all entered codes till now. This will help the driver in giving priorities to the bus stops accordingly.

    4. A passenger can board and get down from this train at appropriate stops only. No mid-ways stoppage will be allowed.

    5. If the passenger gets his destination stop, a message will be spoken about the stop and door will get opened automatically and he/she can get down from it.

    6. Security system in these trains: There may be chances of accidental fire or some other similar activities, in order to avoid such problems, these trains will be divided into bogies(just like normal trains) and each one of them will be fixed with hidden cameras(the one like IT companies use to monitor their employees). Headquarters will be there in cities that will be continuously monitoring this train for any terror related activities. Also if accidental fire is caught in one bogie, to avoid it to spread it to other bogie, a fire proof material should be used(If no such material exist till now, it should be made by engineers.)

    7. If circles are there (having four different directions), in that case passengers need to get down from this train and should move into appropriate destined directions to cross the road and re-board the train of different direction.

    So ultimately the use of constructing this kind of train will be people who are daily travellers and are mainly responsible for traffic can get benefits out of it. No more much time wastage in waiting for buses. No more overcrowded and over loaded bus scenes will be there. There will be less theft chances. Normal concrete roads can be used for private vehicles with normal traffic signals and traffic policeman.

    2. Limited natural resources of Energy:

    Natural resources and fossil fuels are getting depleted day by day; their resources are limited because they cannot be recycled back into the nature. They are the non-renewable resources of energy. In everyday life they are used to generate lot of energy. So as a chemical engineer I would like to make an artificial fuel with highest calorific value just like Hydrogen. Not necessary it should consist of only Hydrogen molecules, it can be of molecular formula like C[sub]x[/sub]H[sub]y[/sub]. Only focus will be to have its calorific value as high as Hydrogen and is not having drawbacks like Hydrogen has (dangerous explosive). I would prefer to make it by trapping CO[sub]2[/sub] and CO gases released in the atmosphere in the form of polluted gases. I would like to find out a mechanism or a chemical reaction for decomposing these gases into C and O elements
    CO[sub]2[/sub] -> C + O[sub]2[/sub]
    (This equation is not possible but this is the challenge to make something like this similar.)
    If this approach does not work, I would like to find out some other mechanism of generating a chemical compound of molecular formula like C[sub]x[/sub]H[sub]y[/sub]O[sub]z[/sub](I will avoid Oxygen atoms though) having highest calorific value but no harm in assuming it also. I will try to use waste products from the daily life to generate this compound (or fuel) so as to make it cheapest also.
    In this way people will not be affected by increasing prices of fuels.

    3. Laziness in typing and reading:

    While writing the article for this contest, I realised that there should be a low cost device, one easily available that converts what I speak into a text file and for making it multipurpose also I thought of putting an extra feature which will read a text file and speak up the text written in it. Software is available for this but for using them we need to buy them and should have a instant computer system also. I thought of having a device which does not necessarily require a computer when any thoughts are coming to my mind and can be of use for those illiterate peoples who don’t know how to read and write but want others to know their ideas in written. So to solve this problem as an Electronics and Computer Engineer, I would like to have a device looking somewhat similar to headsets with microphone also working on the mechanism similar to one used in modern mp3 players or i-pods (one which have memory space and can be inserted into USB port of our computer system having a software to make them compatible with computer system.). I will use the microphone of this device and whenever I will speak anything into it, a .mp3 file (or any other audio file will be generated by default) and a .txt file also by default. There will be a chip inside this device that will convert audio signals into letters (mechanism something like one used in talking alarms can be used). There will be one .txt file for every .mp3 file and will have same name as .mp3 file. Now coming to the reverse mechanism, same chip should read every letter in the .txt file and should generate a .mp3 file or it which will start playing itself when I switch on to headphones from microphones. A .txt file can be copied from the computer system.

    PS: I will update my article with more ideas as soon as will got time. I beg you all to please control your anger/laugh after reading my ideas 😉.

    Negative Comments & Drawbacks in my ideas most welcome 😀 .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 28, 2008

    Wow! Way to go, Shalini! [​IMG]

    *Reserving the place for a detailed comment, later.*

    [Others - where are you? 😁 ]
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    HAHAHA.. uh.. *ahem*

    just kidding 😉

    Nice to see you churning out your ideas. Pretty diverse, shalini. Keep it up!

    I think we had a brief discussion relating to your 3rd idea sometime back, about some issues of converting voice into text. But I'm having trouble tracking it down 😔
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    HAHAHA.. uh.. *ahem*

    I think we had a brief discussion relating to your 3rd idea sometime back, about some issues of converting voice into text. But I'm having trouble tracking it down 😔
    Discussion ? When? I don't remember I had any such discussion with you ever.😕

    PS: Anyways still waiting for negative comments and drawbacks from all CEans 😔 .Wondering how people are not noting them here, when I know there are lot.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 28, 2008

    Ash meant, a discussion thread 😀 Why are you waiting for negative comments?
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    Discussion ? When? I don't remember I had any such discussion with you ever.😕
    My apologies, I was not clear 😉

    We (as in CEans) had a small discussion about the evolution of email, and at one point talked about "talking" out our email message and sending as text.
    The issue of homonyms was raised, but we did not elaborate on that. Perhaps it would be interesting to investigate that more.


    (took a while to find the thread)
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    whoa!! tats a long report!!! even siemens answers dont reply in such a manner,well all you said is already suggested by experts wat i appreciate is your keenness and study!!!
    As u know many western countries have dedicated lanes,they started in india too in delhi were there were dedicated bus routes,it was a big crap,private cars entered there creating more hassles n jams.Indian busses need conductors as 70% indians are still not techno-savvy tat will need time for acceptence and in this way you are also reducing an employement opppurtunity.
    for your natural fuel,wind energy is the most prosperous source as well as nuclear energy which is totally controlled by man,as for vehicles,compressed air is refrerred as a matted of fact TATA motors have that technology and they are working in it.Water is also there but it is more preferred for drinking.
    and your speech to text translator,how it will cater to various accents,india has more than 25 official languages so 25 accents...????
    PLS answer
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    whoa!! tats a long report!!! even siemens answers dont reply in such a manner,well all you said is already suggested by experts wat i appreciate is your keenness and study!!!
    As u know many western countries have dedicated lanes,they started in india too in delhi were there were dedicated bus routes,it was a big crap,private cars entered there creating more hassles n jams.Indian busses need conductors as 70% indians are still not techno-savvy tat will need time for acceptence and in this way you are also reducing an employement opppurtunity.
    for your natural fuel,wind energy is the most prosperous source as well as nuclear energy which is totally controlled by man,as for vehicles,compressed air is refrerred as a matted of fact TATA motors have that technology and they are working in it.Water is also there but it is more preferred for drinking.
    and your speech to text translator,how it will cater to various accents,india has more than 25 official languages so 25 accents...????
    PLS answer
    Sir,Thanks for your thorough study first !!

    1. The roads I was taking in my mind while writing was of Bangalore (conjusted ones) not like delhi (broader ones).

    2. See those conductors can be made techno-mans by monitoring hidden cameras in those trains only by sitting in headquarters .

    3. Wind energy is not a reliable source of energy and I don't think so it can be made a fuel of highest calorific value.

    4. Nuclear power plants waste is a serous problem.Oh I got one more problem 😉(Thanks !!)

    5. States like Karnataka are in shortage of water and electricity.

    6. For accents related thing ,Please read #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    Ash meant, a discussion thread 😀 Why are you waiting for negative comments?
    There is nothing to speak in positive comments and I like criticisms 😉.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 11, 2009

    Today only I recalled my this old forgotten thread.

    @The_Big_K : I guess you forgot to add something in your reserved place. A gentle reminder for you though too late.😉
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJan 11, 2009

    Lol, you can't escape now, Biggie 😉
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    In reference to the first point i.e. the one about roads.
    Lane driving as Saurav has said started in Delhi some years ago and is still in use but majority of the times the buses used to enter the car's lane and vice versa. Though it is changing now due to strict action by the traffic police.
    Another project called the BRT corridor was started here in Delhi but has failed miserably due to improper planning, otherwise you usually don't get traffic jams in a 16 lane road.
    The train system you are talking about is called 'Tram'. It used to run near the Delhi University and Old Delhi area about 2 decades ago, but not anymore. Why? I don't know. But the concept was almost like yours except the prepaid token/cards and automatic doors etc a la Metro. They are still running in European cities.
    Nowadays they have introduced high capacity buses with hydraulic doors that only stop at the stop and the control for opening and closing the doors are with the driver. Lets see how this will work.
    With the number of flyover and expressway constructions going on to reduce traffic jams. The metro in place and low floor high capacity buses etc. The transport system is coming good. The trouble is the corruption at each level and the amount of red tapism that effects such schemes.
    The 2nd point is good but I will not comment on it as I have no idea about it. The 3rd point well no comments on that too, just well written and nice thoughts. You have dared to think and express your views. Many don't even think. They just learn the formulas and theory like a parrot and clear the exams. Some may even top, but whats the point. We need more thinkers like you.
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  • gohm

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    For the RMT idea, how about using a monorail system as it saves valuable realistate in conjested areas and easier then tunneling?
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    In reference to the first point i.e. the one about roads.
    The train system you are talking about is called 'Tram'. It used to run near the Delhi University and Old Delhi area about 2 decades ago, but not anymore. Why? I don't know. But the concept was almost like yours except the prepaid token/cards and automatic doors etc a la Metro. They are still running in European cities.
    I tell you why it is no more in India, government of India do not think about convenience of travellers but they think of the money.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    For the RMT idea, how about using a monorail system as it saves valuable realistate in conjested areas and easier then tunneling?
    Sure Sir,
    I just gave an idea as my civil and mechanical engineering. People like you are real engineers for thinking more on it.
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJan 12, 2009

    Trams are good when the traffic congestion is not much. Many European cities run trams (reportedly Helsinki and Milan). In Mumbai (or Delhi or Bangalore) if you make provisions for tram, you will find auto-rickshaws (3 wheeler taxis in India) running on it next day 😀

    Regarding the BRT, its a good idea. There have been talks about implementing BRT here in Mumbai. It hasn't been finalised yet. I know that it was implemented in Pune in some parts and it was successful. Any one from Pune who can tell me if it is still running?
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberJan 13, 2009

    With todays pace I think the best way of public transportation are underground tubes also called metros,no traffic problem,no space issues,its convenient and fast too!!and there should be dedicated ROUTES for cars and buses/transport vehicles!!!
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  • josenit1787

    MemberFeb 13, 2009

    Hello Shalini,
    I liked the idea of decomposing CO2 into C and O2 and using the C again.It is not an impossible reaction, but unfortunately this reaction is an endothermic reaction requiring as much energy input as that obtained by burning Carbon.

    Anyway I think your other ideas are good,in fact,crazy.Go on with them...;-)
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberFeb 13, 2009

    Hello Shalini,
    I liked the idea of decomposing CO2 into C and O2 and using the C again.It is not an impossible reaction, but unfortunately this reaction is an endothermic reaction requiring as much energy input as that obtained by burning Carbon.

    Anyway I think your other ideas are good,in fact,crazy.Go on with them...;-)
    Thanks for your feedback josenit 😀. Well I am not working on this. I guess chemical engineers over here can work on it more.😉
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  • g_rakesh2

    MemberMar 30, 2009

    Its a great idea.
    Please reserve a window seat for me!!!😁
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  • kashish0711

    MemberJun 16, 2009

    1. Traffic Problem in MetroPolitans: Great ideas there. 😀

    2. Limited natural resources of Energy: Thats the exact thing we need. And hey there are much more stuff in the world that can fullfill this dream so we can look for chemical + other stuff too. 😀 In fact the empty space might do this work. 😀

    3. Laziness in typing and reading: They are already available. 😀
    I used one named "Naturally Speaking Dragon" a few months ago worked great.

    I think you should contest elections, Ill vote for you. lolz
    I am serious 😀
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  • marsh

    MemberAug 22, 2009

    hi shalilni.... nice to meet u.. i m doing my final yr chem engg.. i saw something in ur qoute.. ""I have an idea for them of making an artificial fuel with highest calorific value as Hydrogen but still not as explosive as it is."" can i kno about dis pl.. my mail id is <Admin Says: Desperate to get a call on your cell, huh?>
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  • nick27

    MemberAug 23, 2009

    well i think idea is very innovative
    but---1. economic feasibility --big issue...all things you suggested will require a lot of capital.
    2. space---we hardly have space to make roads double lane...encraochments is big problem....such facility is reqiured more in big cities like delhi mumbai or banglore...And you know very well about these cities...
    3. FUel--the type of fuel systems you are taking about..are still in development mode....
    all though there is are certain engines being developed on such fuels like hydrogen based..but its expensive..again economic feasibility
    4. Regarding use of codes for destination: tough one to handle for common people or illetrate guys...some new method needed..

    Anyways no offences to your idea...just my views...
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  • marsh

    MemberAug 24, 2009

    thank u for ur concern.. will be more helpful if u can giv ideas related to it. thank u pal.......
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  • mrinal1727

    MemberAug 24, 2009

    i found ur idea quite intersting.
    bt dnt u think dat changing out our present transportation system will lead to convert thousand of kms of roads making them capable of holding various traffics like road, rail nd walking people!!!! nd will require a huge area for only one road.
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  • marsh

    MemberAug 27, 2009

    its k. but my idea doesn cause any change in the transportation.. anyway thank u my pal...😀
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  • angeloffire92

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    hmmm....seems like d last idea was worth givin' a try Shalini....that would prove a gr8 help in today'z world....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 4, 2009

    No SMS text anywhere on CE, please 😀 Help us keep CE professional & fun!
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  • angeloffire92

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    Okay....I'll surely take care about this thing in future....but I'm quite new to, will u please guide me?
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  • chiru

    MemberSep 4, 2009

    You are actually trying on big public issues shalini actually which are in a state of uncontrollability but few good things in our day to day life can control these problems which may become a big problem for human race.

    1)Planting Trees since reduces pollutants

    2)Limited and effective use of resources as everything is not plenty as if available may also be harmfull.

    3)Try doing some exercises and things with intrest and love may avoid your problems.

    NOTE:you need not vote me hence I am not a politician.
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  • nirave

    MemberSep 5, 2009

    Category: The problem(s) I would love to solve as an engineer

    Hi All,

    Please find my ideas below (bit informal way):

    PS: I will update my article with more ideas as soon as will got time. I beg you all to please control your anger/laugh after reading my ideas 😉.

    Negative Comments & Drawbacks in my ideas most welcome 😀 .
    hi dear! Ur idea is really good but i think you have not considered the more prominent problem in our country. i.e. power. today there is only about 65% of Indian population that gets enough electricity than required. and your system appears to use quite a lot of electricity so first think of producing cheep power then of customized transport system. THINK OVER IT....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 5, 2009

    hi dear! Ur idea is really good but i think you have not considered the more prominent problem in our country. i.e. power. today there is only about 65% of Indian population that gets enough electricity than required. and your system appears to use quite a lot of electricity so first think of producing cheep power then of customized transport system. THINK OVER IT....
    This is not an 'Indian' forum.
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  • QuarkToo

    MemberNov 8, 2009

    I would place the running road next to the traffic road since a person that is running will be less likely to be injured if hit by a car moving in the same direction since their individual speeds would be less. They are also healthier and would better sustain injuries and be more able to get out of the way if an accident were occurring.

    New bike lanes in cities are producing many deaths and injuries due to collision.
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