  • The Other Side, a book by Faraz Kazi and Vivek Banerjee is a wonderful read and delight for readers with interests in supernatural activity. This book is sure to satiate your craving for a paranormal fantasy by indulging you in a bone chilling experience! The book will scare you to your edge and leave you wondering in the ghost-world. The book's cover is detailed to scary perfection. Written in a lucid language, "The Other Side" is a collection of interesting tales that has potential to make an enjoyable read for one and all. In this collection of thirteen stories, every page is filled with horror and dark tales. Right from the awe striking foreword which is as scary as any other story in the book, I loved the brilliant writing in the book's prelude and epilogue.

    The book albeit scary will still urge you to keep on reading ahead and each story builds up nail biting suspense with an end which is one of its kind. The most gripping stories from the book are titled - “Possession”, “Red Bangles”, “Dream Girl”, “A Long Weekend”, “Stranger in the Night” and the “Fateful Night”.


    This book will give you adrenaline rush and excitement and at the same time will hold you in its grip. If you are a fan of surprises and mysterious parts were you have no idea what will happen next, this book will surely impress you. The stories are engrossing and will enslave you - from haunting to paranormal this book has it all! The authors have crafted the details finely to provide the reader with the fear of the unknown almost making it surreal at times. If you are horror-story fan you will thoroughly enjoy the book and even if you're not, this book will leave you will goosebumps and sleepless time after turning the last page.

    As the cover of the book says DARE TO VISIT ALONE? - Well, it surely is true to the very last page. Definitely recommended for all. 👍
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberFeb 25, 2014

    Thanks for a timely review.I am planning to buy a book and this would be the next.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 25, 2014

    Had a chance to flip a few pages of the book and I've immediately added it to my 'to do/read' list. Hopefully will have some time over the weekend. Can definitely say the scene & story building up capabilities of the authors are quite awesome!

    Looking forward to more reviews.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberFeb 25, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Had a chance to flip a few pages of the book and I've immediately added it to my 'to do/read' list. Hopefully will have some time over the weekend. Can definitely say the scene & story building up capabilities of the authors are quite awesome!

    Looking forward to more reviews.
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