  • A mechanical engineering researcher from University of Washington has developed a new device called the "Micro Phone Lens" that can turn your smartphone's camera into a microscope. Yep. It is now possible to be an explorer or a scientist without the necessity of buying expensive gear to accompany your curious minds. Thomas Larson, the UW alumnus, had developed a first model of his lens that could magnify stuff up to 15 times. His latest work is however more impressive and deserves your backing #-Link-Snipped-#. He is in the process of developing a Micro Phone Lens that can magnify up to 150 times.

    When they say all great things come in small packages, it is nothing short of the truth in the case of the Micro Phone Lens. Manufactured from specialized "soft" plastic, the lens is the size of a button and is virtually scratch-proof. Users can stick it to the phone's camera's lens without the need of any glue. The plastic it is made of is treated to have moderate adhesive properties. This means you can put it on and take it off as many times as you like. Moving the device closer or farther from the object brings it into focus. The developer recommends that the lens be used with any phone or tablet that has a 5 megapixel or higher camera.


    The 15x Micro Phone Lens is priced at $14.99 and is offered as free shipping in the USA, whereas $5 shipping for international buyers. What we feel is great about this device is that - a microscope so portable (and affordable) would enable scientific research where it wasn't possible before. From schools to DIYers - the reach is enormous and the possibilities endless. ​


    Another great news is that - the brain behind this project has received a whooping $99,243 against his pledge of $50,000 goal on Kickstarter. To understand the working of this device, check out a video put together by the developer -

    How do you like the idea behind the Micro Phone Lens project? Share your thoughts with us in comments below.

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Shailaja Tiwari

    MemberApr 16, 2014

    This device would be especiallly useful for detectives or police for instant investigations at crime scenes........😯👍
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberApr 16, 2014

    Stunning engineering work with better applications . Due to its pricing, It has a great future in science field and too useful for engineers.
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  • paneendra

    MemberApr 16, 2014

    really a useful finding.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberApr 17, 2014

    I am really amazed with the pricing as compared to external smartphone lenses that cost above $100 this one serves an important purpose and costs just 15 dollars. Another good thing about this is its compatibility, unlike other lenses that just fit on a iPhone this one fits on any sensor.
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  • aarav sharma

    MemberApr 20, 2014

    Really nice device it will be part of future technology.
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