  • some people thinks that only man are able to become a good engineer. But today's this is totally discarded by the ladies. There are a few names from the past which makes a different way for themselves as engineer. so here those are who donate to change the world.

    In the past if a lady has greater IQ level then she will guided to make a career in teaching but mrs. Ris not wants to be a teacher. She liked maths so she studied engineering and become first lady civil engineer in calefornia. She designed the sen diago-senta monika free way interchange highway. The interesting
    thing of this highway is that it allows the vehicle to turn at high speed also.

    Clarke was the first lady who takes the master degree in electrical engineering from Mesachuates institute of technology. She was also the first member of American Institute of electrical engineers.she helped to make many bridges in west side. She worked in AT&T and General electriic. After retiring from there she was the first lady teacher who teaches in the university of texas at einsteen who teached in the depaurtment of engineering.

    she was lady who does her graduation in environmental engineering. She gave two patents to help in smog pollution. She makes a device by using which the smoke from the chimani cn be directly dissolved in water and after that the water can be flood out in the guter. she also gives an idea to make the noise of train lessen by surrounding the railway lines by the huge wooden blocks filled by cotton.
    So these are the ladies who plays a vital role as a engineer in the field of engineering and make they helped to change the world technologies.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2014

    What are we supposed to debate on?
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  • yogi.bharadwaj

    MemberJan 4, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    What are we supposed to debate on?
    the women's role in technical field.if it does not fit into this pls change the category which suits this post.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 4, 2014

    Can someone here list the Women Engineer from recent times? It will be best to have someone as an example from the current age.
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  • yogi.bharadwaj

    MemberJan 4, 2014

    sunita williums, the women who is first woman antrix yatri and she is indian we must be so proud of her.
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