  • Manish

    MemberFeb 5, 2011

    The Best RDMS

    The Best RDBMS

    If we read term RDBMS ,then we found many options, that we can use

    It may include Mysql, postgre ,oracle, sql server etc.............

    At that time it becomes very difficult to choose one

    Let us discuss various pros and cons of all these ?
    If someone asks me about my choice then i will always say Mysql ?

    I will answer reason after getting views of other ceans
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  • komputergeek

    MemberFeb 6, 2011

    Re: The Best RDBMS

    I dont have idea about postgre but out of other three I would prefer mysql.Reasons are performance and it's very easy to use.And there is lot of documentation available on net.
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  • Reya

    MemberFeb 6, 2011

    I would always prefer MySQL because

    1.It is easy to create a database using MySQL QueryBrowser compared to oracle.

    2.It is a open source software and no cost.

    3.It takes less time to install compared to other RDMS.

    4.It is easy to use and the MySQL is reliable and it is quite fast.

    Microsoft SQL Server:

    1.It runs only on windows platforms and when you want to run on linux or unix its use is prevented.


    1.As far as i noticed it takes much time to install.

    2.Takes time to create a database because you need to type here.


    1.It runs on all platforms and some of the features in PostGre is complicated to use and it is slow.
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