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  • shreyasm89

    MemberFeb 7, 2011

    A Digital-cum-analog Multimeter is a must apart from usual components like wire-stripper if possible an oscilloscope
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberFeb 7, 2011

    mostly resisters, transistors and capacitors and i think we also need some IC's and these are very cheap i think approximately maximum rate of 10rs
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  • Tarun Chauhan

    MemberFeb 12, 2011

    Is there any particular model no. for such type of multimeter like scientific calculator if yes then please suggest and please also answer the same for breadboard.
    one more thing,i think a voltage regulator must also be present for converting the ac supply to a required please also suggest the right device for this purpose and if possible then it's model no. too.thanks in advance😀
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberFeb 13, 2011

    Solder Iron is also very Useful.
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