  • aashima

    MemberAug 17, 2006


    Well this is probably a already-very-much discussed topic still I would like to know what the crazy engineers have to say about it.
    Terrorism - Something that is as prominent as a country's government perhaps!!! So what could be the possible practical measures that could be taken to do away with the terrorism, one of the biggest challenges that almost every nation is facing today???
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberAug 17, 2006

    Well this is probably a already-very-much discussed topic still I would like to know what the crazy engineers have to say about it.
    Terrorism - Something that is as prominent as a country's government perhaps!!! So what could be the possible practical measures that could be taken to do away with the terrorism, one of the biggest challenges that almost every nation is facing today???
    Recent example is ... America and UK...

    Recenet Plane incident...Any comments on that.... If any lattest news on that ..that will be great

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  • Neha

    MemberAug 19, 2006

    According to me...

    Well this is probably a already-very-much discussed topic still I would like to know what the crazy engineers have to say about it.
    Terrorism - Something that is as prominent as a country's government perhaps!!! So what could be the possible practical measures that could be taken to do away with the terrorism, one of the biggest challenges that almost every nation is facing today???
    Since ages we have been trying to fight terrorism but its futile.We can't remove terrorism completely but can try to minimise it.

    The first measure according to me,is to get people employed.One can bear anything on him but when it comes to family,he is helpless.The only helping hand of family would do any kind of job to help his family and not to let them starve to death.He goes in an interview with a hope that he will surely make this time but he is not even allowed to sit in that interview,why? Because someone else got the job due to an approach.This leads to boiling of his blood but still he carries on with the same hope and the scenario is same everywhere which turns a normal man into a pocket picker,then into a thief and in no time in gangster.This might seem like a movie story but its the reality of life.
    So,according to me the first measure is to get people employed which itself will minimise some other crimes as corruption.

    Pour Comments.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 19, 2006

    Since ages we have been trying to fight terrorism but its futile.We can't remove terrorism completely but can try to minimise it.

    The first measure according to me,is to get people employed.One can bear anything on him but when it comes to family,he is helpless.The only helping hand of family would do any kind of job to help his family and not to let them starve to death.He goes in an interview with a hope that he will surely make this time but he is not even allowed to sit in that interview,why? Because someone else got the job due to an approach.This leads to boiling of his blood but still he carries on with the same hope and the scenario is same everywhere which turns a normal man into a pocket picker,then into a thief and in no time in gangster.This might seem like a movie story but its the reality of life.
    So,according to me the first measure is to get people employed which itself will minimise some other crimes as corruption.

    Pour Comments.
    Well said, Neha. Employment could help reduce Terrorism. Now this leads to a new question - What are the practical ways of achieving higher percentages of employment?

    Terrorism can be controlled by developing better security systems. We, the engineers, can be helpful here. What say?

    I think, doing an RCA will help. Anyone?

    -The Big K-
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  • pradypop

    MemberAug 22, 2006

    Its a common notion that its the unemployed and illitrate that engage in terrorism. Well most people who join terrorism are literate with good economic back-ground. Osama is an engineer. Most terrorists engaged in 9/11 were graduates.

    At the risk of being politically wrong, the major cause of terrorism around the world is religion. All religions have failed in controlling violence. I don't subscribe to the "Religion is good but followers are bad" theories. If a religion fails to stop its followers from killing, than its a religion which is not strong enough. Most religions fail us.

    Why so? Some religions are dogmatic in nature and others are not. But all of them are open to intrepretations. Same line is intrepretated by different people in different ways. This happens because most religious books are not well written. They aim more at sustainance of religions rather than sustainance of peace.

    "Accepting the fact that you have not progressed enough, is the first step towards making progress". Once the fact that religions have been failing us has been accepted, the job of controlling terror can be taken up through religious channels.

    All the religions should set up committes to intrepret their religion in a liberal way and this intrepretation should be enforced upon all followers. All religions should strictly ban usage of its name or its god's name to be associated with any killing, whatever the reason. This leaves very little room for crooked minds.

    Religious wars(where name of god or religion was used to unite fighters) killed more people in the history than political wars.

    Religions can brainwash individual thinking because of their dogmatic nature and emotional strings. These factors can become their strengths, not weaknesses.
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  • aashima

    MemberAug 22, 2006

    very true

    Well there is surely no denying in the very fact that relegion is one of the biggest reasons of the terrorism today. But unemployment is the origin of terrorism. Its always the personal family problem that frustates a person to such an extent that he has no other way left to make his living. And there starts the journey of a criminal and ends at being a terrorist.
    While a third reason for the same could be the corrupted government of india. Almost 90% of the senior cops and political leaders have their connections with these people. And thats very blatant that if one gets the encouragement to do a particular thing, it could be then good or bad, he does it more and more. And here, this encouragement is provided by our very own MLA's. MP's and other political people. They are rather the uncurtained terrorist i would say.
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  • Neha

    MemberAug 24, 2006

    Its a common notion that its the unemployed and illitrate that engage in terrorism. Well most people who join terrorism are literate with good economic back-ground. Osama is an engineer. Most terrorists engaged in 9/11 were graduates.

    At the risk of being politically wrong, the major cause of terrorism around the world is religion. All religions have failed in controlling violence. I don't subscribe to the "Religion is good but followers are bad" theories. If a religion fails to stop its followers from killing, than its a religion which is not strong enough. Most religions fail us.

    Why so? Some religions are dogmatic in nature and others are not. But all of them are open to intrepretations. Same line is intrepretated by different people in different ways. This happens because most religious books are not well written. They aim more at sustainance of religions rather than sustainance of peace.

    "Accepting the fact that you have not progressed enough, is the first step towards making progress". Once the fact that religions have been failing us has been accepted, the job of controlling terror can be taken up through religious channels.

    All the religions should set up committes to intrepret their religion in a liberal way and this intrepretation should be enforced upon all followers. All religions should strictly ban usage of its name or its god's name to be associated with any killing, whatever the reason. This leaves very little room for crooked minds.

    Religious wars(where name of god or religion was used to unite fighters) killed more people in the history than political wars.

    Religions can brainwash individual thinking because of their dogmatic nature and emotional strings. These factors can become their strengths, not weaknesses.
    Well,I accept that religion is one of the major factors that enhance terrorism.
    So,we can joint out the points that leads to terrorism with highest at the top:

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  • ankur8819

    MemberJun 5, 2007

    i feel some strict actions should be taken against the terrorists...i think govt. should make some strict policies to fight terrorism...
    i feel instead of trying terrorists for years in jail..they should be hanged...i know i am sounding a bit weird..but i feel these people are of no use to society instead they pollute tha society...nd the pollutant should be deestroyed...thats what i feel is the only way of u know shaking the souls of some extent...
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 13, 2007

    Ouch.. Linking religion and terrorism in general is a touchy subject, my friends 😔 oh well.. how ARE we defining terrorism here? People who rebel against an institution or a government? People who want to gain freedom? People trying to make a point or spread a message? Religious fanatics? Or people who just do violence because of greed and malice?

    While creating better security systems specifically to combat such threats might control it, im sure there are other ways.

    (1) Engineers can develop better ways to spread information and knowledge.

    (2) Engineers can innovate better products, improve production processes for the basic necessities of life.

    Lets say... misunderstanding of religious laws and ethics is indeed a factor for extremism, so why not make it easier for everyone to understand them by improving the medium to do so? Things like widespread use of videoconferencing between religious scholars, inter-faith dialogs, etc. Thus, a case for point (1).

    If people are not satisfied with their government cause their lives are not being improved much, then just provide what is needed.. eg stable electrical and water supply, affordable food by improving efficiency in the production of food. With such exponential advancements in technology, this is possible anywhere and anytime. There, point (2).

    To tackle the unemployment problem, education and training should be implemented to enhance his/her value. See point (1).

    All in all: A happy population = No problem. Not something easy to do, but still possible.

    and pradypop, chill man. The burden of blame does not fall so much on religion. You risk more than being "politically wrong" 😉
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  • markisntmyname

    MemberNov 4, 2008

    Well,I accept that religion is one of the major factors that enhance terrorism.
    So,we can joint out the points that leads to terrorism with highest at the top:


    I think there is one more important reason you should be adding here..
    What about "Rejection in love"....
    Take an example of some person who is a friend of an average looking girl who happens to be her classmate too. Some 2 years later, he happens to start liking her. After a few more time, he starts loving her. She (in this case) had been a good friend of this boy, but she never saw him as more than a friend. So she doesn't comply with him as more than a friend. She just want to stay as a friend with him. He feels like he is lost. Even then for the next one year he tries his best to make things better. He tries to read books like "the secret" by rhonda byrnes... well. things still don't work out. Nothing is happening as he would want it to be. All the things are turning away from him. Then he first starts hating his friends just because he feels that his friends had not been of any help to him in his love life. Then he starts hating his family. Then he starts hating his fellow people. So he decides to leave the country. Then after few more years he is out of some good university with an MS degree in mechanical. But as he had been defeated in his life in the past he decides to use this knowledge for destruction. Not because he wants to earn money and become rich. Not even because he loves luxuries. But because he is in love of destruction and inhumanity. He is in love of revenge.. Revenge with the rejection. He is in love atlast.. once more..

    So my friend.. should you be including this one more point? >>> "Rejection in love"?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 4, 2008

    @Mark : You are funny.

    Closing old thread.
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