  • Telepathy - a subject less discussed and less known. How about a discussion about it on Crazy Engineers?

    Telepathy is an ability to communicate with minds of humans and other creatures without using any tools. Telepathy is no doubt a paranormal phenomenon.

    Let us discuss and try to gather ideas on this topic. Make sure that you don't post just for the sake of posting. Internet is a big resource and feel free to contribute your findings and your own thoughts.

    -The Big K-
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 14, 2006

    some info. from Internet

    To push it forward, I searched the internet and could gather some interesting information -

    "Telepathy" is derived from the Greek terms tele ("distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling"). This term was introduced by a french researcher Fredric Myers.

    Telepathy is about mind to mind communication. This communication includes senses, thoughts, ideas or mental images. It is believed that this communication is deeply related to the emotions and women are major receivers.

    An interesting experiement was carried out in 1971 in association with the astronauts of Apollo 14. While 1,50,000 miles away from the earth, the astronaut concentrated on sequences of 25 random numbers. The astronaut completed 200 such sequences and the recipients on the earth were to guess the sequences.

    Surprisingly, two of the receivers guessed 51 sequences while the mean was 40 sequences. This was beyond expectations but still less significant.

    Its amazing that humans can transfer mental images or sense without using any aid. What do you think about Telepathy? Is it real? or it just happens by chance?

    -The Big K-
    p.s: Above information has been gathered from .
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  • sristi

    MemberMay 14, 2006

    an interesting thread Biggy
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  • crook

    MemberMay 20, 2006

    interesting! although I don't know much about this topic, i hope to learn more from you.
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  • crook

    MemberJun 6, 2006

    its possible

    I learnt some stuff about Telepathy and I'm putting in my thoughts -

    Telepathy, I think, is possible. Many times we feel that there is someone at the door and the door bell rings. Sometimes we think the phone is about to ring and the phone rings. What is it? I think its the telepathy in its primary state.

    Our brain processes electrical signal and scientists have proved that the communication of brain with other organs in body happens through these electrical signals of very low intensity. It is quite possible that the electrical signas processed by our brain are influenced by external sources. These external sources may include electrical pulses generated by someone else's brain. This line of thinking fails to explain the occurance of telepathy over long distances.

    Your comments are welcome.

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  • integratdbrains

    MemberJun 9, 2006

    crook.. i agree me experienced it many times..does it mean that my brain interprete electrical signals more than any other signal??can be.. Post effects of electronics labs!! 😀 Hehaaa... But to be true i have many times thought of a particular person or was in desperate need of my friends and they all just poured in.. and i wonder how did they come to know that i was in need or i was missing them? i think it will remain one of those QUESTIONS NEVER UNANSWERED!
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  • crook

    MemberJun 10, 2006

    It was purely my analysis. I searched the internet and could gather interesting information. I do share a similar experience. My car broke in the middle of road and I couldn't call anyone coz of weak signal. I could however receive calls. I strongly felt someone calls my phone at that time and wow amazing ! my sister called my cell ! She told me she strongly felt that I was in need of something and just called me to know if I'm ok. 😀 Now was it Telepathy or I got lucky, no one knows.

    I hope we get more interesting information about telepathy.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 20, 2006

    It was purely my analysis. I searched the internet and could gather interesting information. I do share a similar experience. My car broke in the middle of road and I couldn't call anyone coz of weak signal. I could however receive calls. I strongly felt someone calls my phone at that time and wow amazing ! my sister called my cell ! She told me she strongly felt that I was in need of something and just called me to know if I'm ok. 😀 Now was it Telepathy or I got lucky, no one knows.

    I hope we get more interesting information about telepathy.

    Such instances happen many times. Well, how authentic is telepathy, we don't know. We need scientific explanations for stuff that happens around us.

    200 years ago, people would have laughed at the concept of cell phones. But today, its a reality. Telepathy will be explained as scientists delve into the brain!

    -The Big K-
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  • kc7gr

    MemberAug 8, 2006

    Oh, it exists... I've had it happen twice...

    SciFi and fantasy writers have touched on the topics of telepathy, empathy, and the much-abused "mind reading" for decades, often in a very dramatic and much-glorified manner. Some of the most glorified can be found in the writings of James H. Schmitz (the 'Telzey Amberdon' stories), and in Anne McCaffrey's 'Rowan' series.

    The truth, as those who have experienced it know, doesn't make for very good tale-spinning or TV ratings. 😁 This does NOT make it any less fascinating a phenomenon.

    For my part, I've had two experiences along these lines. The first happened years ago, when I flew to San Diego for a short vacation. One of my closest friends was to meet me, had arrived earlier that day, and was waiting for me at the airport.

    I ended up in the middle of an enormous throng of bodies on the way to Baggage Claim. As I made my way along, I heard my friend's voice, clear as day and just as loud as if he were right next to me, call my name. I stopped and looked all over the place, but didn't see him.

    I started walking again. Seconds later, I heard the same voice, same intensity, but this time saying 'Hey, Bruce!' Once again, I stopped, put down my bag, and looked around. This time, I spotted my friend and moved to join him.

    As we were headed for Baggage Claim together, I told him he must have a pretty good set of lungs to make himself heard over the crowd I was in. He looked puzzled and, as I explained that I had heard him (twice), he said he'd never so much as opened his mouth. The first time, he had spotted me, and thought to himself "Oh, there's Bruce." He said that I had stopped the moment he'd thought my name. The second time was when he had deliberately tried to project, and it most definitely worked.

    The second occurrence was very similar, though it happened nearly 15 years later while I was working for Boeing. I spotted someone I knew at the end of a long corridor, one that I knew bloody well echoed like mad with any sort of speech or other noise. As he looked up, I heard him call my name as clear as day -- except that there was no echo, and it sounded like he was right next to me.

    As to the mechanism for why and how this works, I've no idea. VLF waves? Perhaps some sort of quantum disturbance that part of our brain is equipped to detect, and we don't even know about it?

    On a personal note, I tend to be practical about it. I know it exists, and it seems to be there just when I need it the most. That's all I really need to know (though I am still curious, just for curiousity's sake, about the 'how').

    Keep the peace(es).
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 12, 2006

    Amazing experiences, kc7gr 😀 .

    The question remains, was it 'telepathy' at work or just coincidence?

    -The Big K-
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberAug 13, 2006

    To push it forward, I searched the internet and could gather some interesting information -

    "Telepathy" is derived from the Greek terms tele ("distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling"). This term was introduced by a french researcher Fredric Myers.

    Telepathy is about mind to mind communication.

    -The Big K-
    p.s: Above information has been gathered from .
    If it is the same as related above than it must have some relation with hypnotism... but it don't

    Please Pour some comments why???

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 19, 2011

    Some have proposed using quantum entanglement (the invisible umbilical cord that exists between objects) as a form of telepathy. But, Mr. Kaku says there are much more practical ways of achieving telepathy that already exist.

    Here's a video by Dr. Michio Kaku:


    What do you think?
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    MemberOct 19, 2011

    I have been following Dr. Kaku since sometime. I agree with him on most points but unless, I get to see some mathematical work done, it will hard to logically believe anything.

    P.S: He must have given evidence, but I am yet to study it. Will be really happy to see it.
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