  • My brother is in Telecom industry,  having 12+ years experience and at a package of 35+ lakh. He now wants to diversify his field in data analytics, etc.  Please suggest the field(python, IoT,  data analytics, cloud,  big data, etc. ) that he should further pursue and what short term courses are available for the same.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 10, 2019

    Navya - could you share details about the technologies / specific domains your brother has experience in? His past experience is going to matter in this next career move.

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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJun 1, 2019

    Hi Navya. I was in the telecom industry as well, as K mentioned above, knowing your brother's experience will help guide how best to transition into emerging technologies like IoT and Data Analytics. IoT is a good area to leverage telecommunications experience.

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