Techno Trata 12 at SRK Institute of Technology, Vijayawada on Feb 10, 2012

Techno Trata 12 is a technical festival organized by SRK Institute of Technology, Vijayawada.

"As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again."
With technology enabling changes, the time has arrived finally! The time to channel the stagnant thoughts. Ahoy! The birth of new age intellects- The Techno Trata 2012!

It is an All India Inter Collegiate Technical Symposium conducted by the department of ECE of the college. It is set to bring young vibrant minds together. This symposium gives an ever reverberating feeling to search the most undetectable, decipher the most mysterious and the uncontrollable appetite to conquer the most invincible!

10th February- This day symposium holds motleys of technical events! Participants are expected to bring with them humongous enthusiasm and limitless zeal to transcend boundaries.

For more details, queries and registration; visit their facebook page: #-Link-Snipped-#


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