Member • Sep 13, 2012
TCS Next Step ( Application, Pre-Requisites & Procedure
Pre-Requisities For TCS Next Step
On the front page of the website, you'll be presented with two options - first for the campus recruitments (aka the colleges that TCS visits directly for the recruitment ) and second one for the direct applicants. Choose the suitable option carefully and proceed to filling the form.
If you are applying through campus, then you will be asked to select your college from the list. If your college name does not appear in the list; you should proceed towards registering as a direct applicant or simply get in touch with your TPO officer for further help.
The direct registration form is quite straightforward. You're asked to select your degree and then fill up the form that shows up on your screen. Make sure that you read out the instructions before you start filling up the form. It's not advisable to make mistakes and submit incorrect / half-complete application form and then follow up with the representatives with the corrections. Be careful while filling up every detail.
Following Information (Pre-Requisites) Would Be Handy
When filling up the application form, keep following information handy: Your personal details, academic performance (aka marks obtained in all the semesters), passport details, information about your third & final year engineering project. TCS may ask you for the documentary proof at the time of interview or joining. I strongly advice not to fill up any incorrect information in the form because the ramifications of providing incorrect information to TCS could be disastrous for your professional career.
Passport Size Photograph Is Required: Note The Specifications:
The TCS Next Step application program asks applicants to upload their passport size photograph. Note that the maximum size of your photograph should be less than 500 KB. If you're scanning your photo, make sure it's in the .jpeg or .png format and double check the size of the photo before you upload it.
Uploading Your Resume / Bio-Data:
You can choose to upload your resume in the .doc , .rtf, .txt, .docx format. Again, the limit on the size of the resume is 500 KB. Lot of students prefer to include their photograph in their resume which makes the file size larger. Remove your photograph from your resume before uploading it. Try to keep the length of your resume restricted to about 2 pages.
Important Step: Download Application Form In PDF Format
Don't forget this important step. Download the application form in PDF format once you successfully submit your application. It' will have the CT/DT Reference Number which would come very handy if you are communicating with TCS over any issues or in any general communication over your employment or application status.
If you are a direct applicant, then take the print out of the application form on A4 size paper. Once you receive a call from TCS, you can download your hall ticket from the TCS NextStep portal.
If you have any questions about using TCS NextStep portal, please feel free to post your questions here. All engineers here would be happy to answer and solve your queries. Wish you all the best!