  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) comes for selecting students in campus for all engineering bracnhes.

    Every single round mentioned below was an Elimination Round.


    1. Online Aptitude Round : It was an online object test for 80 minutes, having 30 quantitative MCQs. Though Question Level was Medium, but there was enough time to solve everyone of them.

    2. Interview Rounds : It happened on the next day. Most of the shortlisted students had 2 - 3 interviews with an different interviewer. While Few guys like me had only 1 interview with 3 interviewers. 😛 The interviews were a mixture of Technical and HR. In technical round, basic questions from various technical concepts like- C/C++ Programming, OOPS, Data Structures, DBMS, Software Engineering etc. were asked, along with some simple coding problems. Moreover, they've asked for giving a complete overview of my mentioned Projects. They also asked my major Interest from the huge pool of subjects in Computer Science, and gave a simple problem to solve in order to check my skills on my desired interests. Moreover, typical HR questions were asked for which I was already prepared.

    After facing all these rounds, I got my first placement from TCS. 😀
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  • Ashish Bardhan

    MemberMay 11, 2013

    Here's an Overview of my TCS experience

    Prelim Round
    It was an online test for 80 minutes, having 30 quant MCQs
    Level was Medium, but enough time to solve everyone of them.
    Interview Round
    Most of the people had 3 interviews with an different interviewer.
    While Few guys like me had only 1 interview with 3 interviewers. 😛
    (Lil Bit HR Kinda Question)
    1. Tell me about yourself.
    2. Why TCS ?
    3. What makes you better than other candidates ?
    4. What are your Job Preferences?
    5. Any Problem if you'll be working in South Indian cities like B'lore or Chennai ?
    6. Any plans for higher studies ?
    (Resume Based)
    1. Explain about my role during various College Projects.
    2. Explain about my role during my Summer Internship.
    3. Which subjects have been taught you in college so far ?
    4. What is your Favorite among them ?
    (Since I'd answered Software Engineering, they asked)
    5. Describe the complete phase of SDLC ?
    6. What is Testing? What is the importance of Testing in SDLC?
    (Since I've also mentioned Game Programming and Mobile Application Dev in my Resume, they further asked)
    7. Name the OS present in NOKIA mobile. What's their latest version?
    8. Write the code of a ball moving inside the box.
    9. Explain the overview of Game and Mobile Application Development.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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