Member • Sep 21, 2011
TCS campus recruitment: very easy to hit TCS
This is Andenagaveni...i got selected in TCS😀
TCS came to our college for recruitments and its very easy to hit TCS.there are three rounds- written test, technical interview and HR.
for top 5 students in academics, there is no written test...i am one of the 5 students...
the interview was so simple...in technical round they didnt ask a single technical question...just simple C programs and some questions about ourselves..like tell me about yourself, hobbies,why tcs,why IT,etc....
HR is very very simple....they just observe how fast you answer to the questions asked by them and your communication skills....
one has to be very positive and confident while aswering....what ever the answer may be right or wrong just speak something with confidence.....HR panels are really very friendly....thats all..
these tips are enough to crack TCS....hope my tips will be very helpful for those who are going to appear for TCS...
good luck....😀