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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 24, 2012

    I'm planning to buy tataphoton datacard,postpaid unlimited 5gb plan. Tataphoton is good? interms of speed, network, connectivity in villages etc.,
    which is best ? tataphoton, or reliance or airtel or bsnl 3g.
    Will depend a *LOT* on your location.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 24, 2012

    I've used reliance and BSNL3G i found BSNL best in speed and coverage compare to Reliance.
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  • Pensu

    MemberMay 24, 2012

    You left idea...😉. I have been using idea 3G for a month and its working good for me. As #-Link-Snipped-#
    said, it depends on the network in your area.
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  • SKsinha

    MemberMay 27, 2012

    All these options will depend upon the locations. I am using Tata Photon since it launched and I never had any problem except in Chattisgarh where during my project work I have to visit villages. In normal city locations also, photon plus was giving its minimum bandwidth speed there. Otherwise very satisfied with Photon plus - services, billing all good. Other than Chattisgarh area I found it working well at all locations even when other failed.
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  • akash.kasina

    MemberMay 29, 2012

    i'm presently using reliance datacard,its good but in my area the others are a bit low in speed.
    got bsnl 3G first but huh.,the speed its too slow,it depends on the network in your area😨
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 29, 2012

    I've had a very mixed response with the BSNL 3G. In some areas, it's unbeatable; but in some areas it just doesn't even connect; even with full signal!
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  • akash.kasina

    MemberMay 30, 2012

    i dont know if its correct or not but i heard that the reason is due to excess connections and lack of cell towers.i too use bsnl sim and face problems with the network,the call wont connect quickly...huh
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  • SKsinha

    MemberMay 30, 2012

    BSNL connections are erratic, common feedback by other users in my circle. When it is connected, its speed is unbeatable... but it has to be connected first and here is the problem. Connectivity is good at very limited locations.
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  • ms_cs

    MemberJun 5, 2012

    ok friends. thanks for your suggestions. will go through the plans of bsnl and tata photon and will decide.
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  • Sajith P

    MemberNov 18, 2012

    I'm planning to buy tataphoton datacard,postpaid unlimited 5gb plan. Tataphoton is good? interms of speed, network, connectivity in villages etc.,
    which is best ? tataphoton, or reliance or airtel or bsnl 3g.
    Never thought to go for Reliance. I was having Reliance connection and always it will be very slow. If you took a post paid plan then no doubt you are trapped in a big trouble. When I went for disconnect my post paid plan due to the speed issue, they had charged so many unwanted charges and cheated me on my bill amounts.

    Always prefer to go with prepaid.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 18, 2012

    I've had my own issues with Reliance post-paid connection cancellation as well. It took me about 3 months of verbal (non-abusive) fight with the Reliance outlet. That was back in 2010 I guess; when I was in Pune. The folks refused to acknowledge that I had canceled my account and kept on sending the the bills. Whenever I visited their shop, they'd accept it as 'computer fault' (life's become easier because we now have something to blame) and promise me that it won't be repeated next time.

    My last meeting with them [ a little threat, actually ] turned few heads in their shop and I'm pretty sure they lost at least 3-4 customers just that time! Meh! 😁
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