Member • Dec 14, 2011
Tantalising Hints to the discovery of "Higg's Boson"(God particle)!
One team at LHC , Atlas, named after their particle-detector; recorded the weight of the putative particle as about 125 billion electron volts, about 125 times heavier than a proton and 5,00,000 times heavier than an electron. The other team, CMS(Compact Muon Solenoid) founds bumps in their detector corresponding to a mass of about 126 billion electron volts.
If the particle does exist at all, it must lie in within the range of 115-127 billion electron volts, thus increasing the possibilties. Over the last 20 years, suspicious bumps have come and gone that might have been Higg's Boson. But the fact that two rival teams using two different manmoth particle detectors had recorded similar results brings a sigh of relief. Physicists around the world expect to have enough data to make the final call by summer2012! Such a discovery would rank in important breakthroughs of the last century, going back to Einstein's first formulation of quantum physics. So, fasten up your seat belts CEans....The next few months are going to be really exiting!