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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 7, 2019

    Manish - what is going to be the primary function of the laptop? 

    SSDs are noticeably faster than HDD. Once you've experienced SSDs you can't go back to HDD. 

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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberJan 7, 2019

    Development. I should be able to work on android studio, eclipse comfortably

    SSD are better but my only confusion right now is

    16 GB Optane with 1 TB HDD vs 250 GB SSD

    which one is better performance wise

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  • Mohit G

    MemberJan 7, 2019

    Go with the first option. My laptop has SSD and it is already running out of space. You don't need SSD unless you are doing heavy code compiling. 

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 7, 2019

    I agree with Mohit. Optane + HDD looks like a good option for a development machine. You're going to need lot of storage and you'll do good with a decent quality HDD.

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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberJan 13, 2019

    This is what I have purchased now acer aspire 515 1 TB HDD, 4 GB Ram, I5 8th Generation which was 34k

    Now I replaced HDD with Samsung EVO 860 256 GB, M2 Slot with 16 GB Optane Memory and enhanced RAM TO 8 GB and now laptop running like a champ boottime 2-3 secs and eclipse project build up around 5 sec which was around 60 secs with my old laptop

    total cost 48 K, which was originally above 70 k with these specification

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