  • Hey guys... I would like to buy a tablet for professional use... My requirements are
    1. Compatibility with various document file formats (pdf,doc,ppt,xl etc)
    2. WiFi and 3G
    3. Use as a phone
    4. Audio & Video compatibility
    5. Around 10,000 to 12,000 rupees....

    Please do suggest me as soon as possible guys.....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 29, 2011

    N.Gowtham Raj
    Hey guys... I would like to buy a tablet for professional use... My requirements are
    1. Compatibility with various document file formats (pdf,doc,ppt,xl etc)
    2. WiFi and 3G
    3. Use as a phone
    4. Audio & Video compatibility
    5. Around 10,000 to 12,000 rupees....
    Please do suggest me as soon as possible guys.....
    Good to see someone's wanting to use tablets for professional use. I bought tablet ( iPad 2 ) for professional use but discovered that tablets are a generation or two away from hard-core professional use. Let me share my observations which may help you make a decision.

    1. Editing documents, spreadsheets, presentations etc. on tablets (touchscreen) is a pure pain in the a$$. If you must buy a tablet, buy it with a physical keyboard. Works very well when you're doing some serious work. I bought Apple Bluetooth Keyboard to work with my iPad and life became more peaceful.

    2. The hardware requirement you're targeting is actually ubiquitous. Almost every tablet these days has WiFi & 3G.

    3. For business use - always go for tablet that offers longer battery life. Apple Rules. Android is years behind it when it comes to battery life.

    4. Budget: Now that's the most problematic part. I'd still recommend you to wait and save more if you can and go for iPad. If not, Android or Blackberry Playbook would be your second choices.

    I think playbooks available in the Rs. 10 - 15k range in India do not have 3G; which I think can be skipped. There's a 'Reliance 3G Tablet' that you might consider buying as well. HCL ME Tablet X1 could be one of your choices along with Notion Ink's Adam. Be careful about NotionInk - they received very bad reviews about their customer care.
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  • vikaskumar11233

    MemberDec 29, 2011

    Hi N.Gowtham Raj
    See would suggest you to increase you budget just because you will not get tab in such range if you increase your budget then I can share some of the tabs. In such range you will get some good phone which will be having some features which you mention in your post.
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  • N.Gowtham Raj

    MemberDec 30, 2011

    Fine budget is not a constraint.. Please do share your views...
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  • vikaskumar11233

    MemberDec 30, 2011

    Hey N.Gowtham Raj its great if you don't have budget limit so here are some amazing tabs..

    Samsung Galaxy Tab
    Acer Iconia Tab A500
    Samsung Galaxy Tab Wifi
    Blackberry Playbook 4G
    Blackberry Playbook 32 GB
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