  • mastermind303

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Sugar Batteries!!!

    One of the major research areas in communication nowadays is power supply. Mobile phones have almost reached their level of saturation with cameras, internet, high capacity memory already integrated in a single handset. Modern handsets are accoutred with long life batteries, but still , their is the hassle of carrying chargers around. Chargers means wires, so the purpose of MOBILE gets hampered. Researchers are coming up with newer and innovative ideas in battery charging. One such idea is the development of a Fuel cell which would run on sugar, developed at Saint Louis University.This fuel cell battery is said to run on virtually any sugar source - from soft drinks to tree sap - and has the potential to operate three to four times longer on a single charge than conventional lithium ion batteries. But research is still underway. The running temperature of this battery is still not flexible. The battery could be a boon for frequent travellers, for rural population, and for defence personnel. Ideally, these batteries would contain special cartridges that are pre-filled with a sugar solution.
    These cartridges then could be replaced when they're used up.

    Just imagine this technology being implemented.
    The major Consumers of Coke, Pepsi wouldn't be teenagers but their Ipods !!!!!

    More on this can be found at #-Link-Snipped-#

    and for other articles visit my blog : #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Elisa

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Even if it is sugar, it does not solve the problem. I personally think that the solar energy can solve all our energy related problems if we device methods to trap it properly.

    I have not heard much about researches being carried out to make the best possible use of the energy which is freely available. Member of CE community can make a difference. What is your opinion?
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  • mastermind303

    MemberJul 1, 2007

    Even if it is sugar, it does not solve the problem. I personally think that the solar energy can solve all our energy related problems if we device methods to trap it properly.

    I have not heard much about researches being carried out to make the best possible use of the energy which is freely available. Member of CE community can make a difference. What is your opinion?

    I agree sugar won't be a cure all.
    Even better than solar energy is the use of deuterium in nuclear fusion!!!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberAug 15, 2007

    Nuclear fusion?? If a lithium battery in a mobile phone can explode, I cant imagine what would happen if the fusion becomes unstable! 😛

    Any innovative power idea is a good idea. After time, the sugar power can be more useful. The solar energy is a more mature energy tech, but with efficiencies of around 20%, you can only power a small number of portable devices on the go, but it can still be used as a charging method, even if it takes a while.

    Hm, what about the idea of using the same electromagnetic waves that mobile towers emit to power the phones? I dont think that you can power the high tech video camera phones, but at least you can run simple mobile devices that can recieve calls and send sms. This could be used in rural areas at least 😀 Though, I probably need to research more about it.
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  • vijaygosar

    MemberOct 29, 2007

    Even if it is sugar, it does not solve the problem. I personally think that the solar energy can solve all our energy related problems .and fule cell
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