  • simple

    MemberNov 21, 2007

    sub section

    i would like to suggest that you could create sub sections inside "Computers/IT" .
    these subsections could be like
    1) hardware
    2) programming
    3) troubleshooting
    4) operating systems etc.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 21, 2007

    i would like to suggest that you could create sub sections inside "Computers/IT" .
    these subsections could be like
    1) hardware
    2) programming
    3) troubleshooting
    4) operating systems etc.
    Hi Simple,

    Thank you for your suggestions. Having sub-sections is a nice idea. During initial days of CE, we used to have sub-sections, but later they were removed as users reported that the forum structure was too complicated to understand. That is the reason we have 'Generic' sections for each engineering trade. Everything related to computers goes into "Computer Sciences" section, and likewise.

    I'd like to hear what our other team members have to say about this 😀 .

    -The Big K-
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberNov 25, 2007

    Yea, thats a good idea.. kinda like what Tech Support Forum @ #-Link-Snipped-# does. However, its hard to monitor that many sub sections I suppose.
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  • mahul

    MemberNov 25, 2007

    i would like to apologise first 4 what i'm going to say but i prefer it this way...too many sub-sections with too few queries in them will be a waste of our dear administrator's energy...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 25, 2007


    I just feel great today! Idea of sub-sections is nice. If need arises, we'll introduce them in future. Moreover, right now I'm working on website upgrade & you can expect few changes to the forum structure.

    The newer structure will be very simple, with everything related to computers in one section, electronics in one section and a 'Cross-Trade' discussion section. I hope it will be less confusing to our new members.

    Very soon, we'll have mods for sections on CE from our regular CEans. I'll start a new thread about the same soon.

    But if you have any suggestions for the forum sections/sub-sections, please post them here.

    -The Big K-
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