  • Well first of all i am not from any reputed university and ahead i want to pursue MS in computer science . I am in final year of my engineering and its about to end . First thing i am mediocre student yet i am creative at different places but i am still confused about GRE or IELTS . I am from middle class family and i cant afford to pay much for studying abroad , need you assistance ?

    Just after my final year i was thinking of doing course for IELTS then exam , tell me cheap yet good destinations through IELTS , i also want to know whether there is any vast difference in the education system here in INDIA and there , or will it be tough for me to pass ?

    One more thing that i am considering of going in Europe is that MS program there is only 1 year and it will save my lots of expenses.
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  • Void Runner

    MemberJun 12, 2015

    European MSc is 1 year, because European BSc is 3 years. This means that the MSc from Europe is equivalent to B.Tech/B.E. from India. You shouldn't really be trying Europe if you have a 4-year degree from India.....Though YES you can get admission via ONLY IELTS for those MSc programs.
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  • Durkaprasath Segar

    MemberJun 15, 2015

    If u want to do ms in European union means u dont want ielts or any other exam. But you need to do ms in germany , france , uk certainly u need IELTS.
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