  • sristi

    MemberApr 9, 2007


    hii all
    can anyone explain when a stack is called up/down growing😕
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  • xero

    MemberApr 10, 2007


    just think, how a stack of book grows 😀

    the more books u keep one over the other, the stack grows !!

    so the stack always grow up !!

    now speaking of up/down stack, we use the terms up and down just to mention the memory location, like if we create a stack with mem location 0000H (hex) and we keep storing elements inside, this is called upward stack. and if we use some mem location 0FFFFH and then we decrement the location of storage towards 00000H that's downward stack.

    Any way this is used very specifically when we talk performance issues on memory terms in different OS.

    so, i guess i was able to explain what u were expecting
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