Hi, I'm Errol and I'm currently a 5th year student taking up ECE. As part of our project, could you guys give me an idea on how we could implement a program that would separate an audio track of two different guitar tones generated by two guitars and recorded using a microphone array? We would be using MATLAB's Mutiple Signal Classification toolbox btw. Hope you guys can give me an idea and just tell me if my descriptions are kinda confusing so I could try and make it more clear 😁
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This seems little confusing as Microphone is going to record the Sounds from two different guitar simultaneously RIGHT? Then Final recorded sound becomes the combination of that two sounds and that may be totally different.
You got it 😁 Since the two guitar plays two different tones simultaneously, the recorded track would be a combination of the two tones. Our goal now is to be able to separate the two tones. I think the key elements that would help us in making a program is the fact that we will be using a microphone array and that the guitars would be separated by a certain distance, correct me if I'm wrong. We will then be using MATLAB's Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) to finally be able to separate them. That's just pretty much the summary of what we are planning to do, we aren't too sure about the details and how we would be able to implement it fully though.
Right Microphone array can solve our problem but for that we have to study where we have to place microphone so that we have to less work at MATLAB side and easily write the software.
Let's say that we finally have a setting for the array, what processes should the track undergo? We were given a lecture about Windowing and how to implement it in MATLAB so I guess that's the first step, any ideas on what comes next?😁
Cool, I'll keep that in mind 😀 Are you familiar with zero crossing though or terms like that? Cause I've heard them but I'm not pretty sure if we need them or if they are needed
Zero crossing is used in multiple way i have used it for AC measurement and TRAIC firing controlling. but in this case it may have some different role.
Any idea on how we can apply it to the separation of tones though? And btw, finally found the lecture, so here are the topics, there are some explanations on what they are for but not really related to what we are supposed to do (or atleast I can't seem to see the link between them yet @_@)