  • I've had a dream of buying a good camera with maximum large optical zoom to get the best clarity pictures when I go travelling. However, I'm not a professional and would not fancy carrying a heavy camera with complicated settings. I've narrowed down my search to one product which I like (just checked the online specs and I've NO hands on experience of this product yet).
    Fig: Sony DSC-WX300 - 18.2 Mega Pixel W Series 20x Optical Zoom Cyber-shot (Black)

    I'd request all photography lovers out there to help me by letting me know if there are other products in this range worth taking a look at. Will this camera work well if I were to take pictures in low light situations like a candle light dinner or an outdoor event at night?

    Check #-Link-Snipped-# for the detailed specifications of this camera. The price mentioned on Sony's official website for this product is MRP Rs 19,990
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 21, 2013

    Thread moved to gadgets section. If you are serious about photography, I'd strongly recommend opting for a entry level DSLR than a point-&-shoot. While I've owned SONY cameras and have been more than impressed with the quality they offer in the 'auto' mode, nothing comes closer to DSLR.

    Let me tag @#-Link-Snipped-# to help you out with the choice. His work is more than impressive! Mithil, over to you!
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