  • reports that - a popular free pirated music download site hosted by Pakistan was hacked by "Indian Cyber Army" - a group of hackers that was behind the hacking of about 35 Pakistani official websites. offers free download of latest Bollywood songs and gets 80% of its traffic from India. After gaining access to the root of the server, the hackers group posted following message on the homepage of the site:-

    Pray for all the innocent victims of Mumbai attack .This is a small answer from All Indians. Remember we are together, you can just kill innocent people, women and children..But there is no future for you, we are coming with huge speed. Corruption will be under control, every Indian will have money and power.Then there will be no one to save you, you are a dirty stamp on pure Islam. Try to understand and respect it, just remember we are coming.Bye.Exit has a non-conventional business model. The site shows several pop-up and pop-under advertisements to every visitor and makes money through impressions and registrations on other sites.

    Your opinion on this?
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  • X-Engineer

    MemberJul 15, 2011 offers free download of latest Bollywood songs and gets 80% of its traffic from India.
    Strange ,I had heard that if we access,our systems get hacked.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 15, 2011

    I've not heard of any such incidence so far. But who knows? Why download pirated songs?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJul 15, 2011

    Pray for all the innocent victims of Mumbai attack .This is a small answer from All Indians. Remember we are together, you can just kill innocent people, women and children..But there is no future for you, we are coming with huge speed. Corruption will be under control, every Indian will have money and power.Then there will be no one to save you, you are a dirty stamp on pure Islam. Try to understand and respect it, just remember we are coming.Bye.Exit
    The message is strong, but I think the website is back again!
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 15, 2011

    Strange ,I had heard that if we access,our systems get hacked.
    A browser cannot do so unless you install some ActiveX or download some installer and install. Just browsing and downloading an MP3 file doesn't hack your system. 😀 Cool.

    The_Big_K has a non-conventional business model. The site shows several pop-up and pop-under advertisements to every visitor and makes money through impressions and registrations on other sites.
    Biggie, as far as any free site is considered, this is the business model right? Getting paid by ads and surveys... 😔 We used to ignore such things! 😛
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  • aashima

    MemberJul 17, 2011

    If that's a true news, BINGO!! Indians don't much believe in retaliating and reverting back!! When they didn't do anything for 26/11, well this is so small in comparison to that.
    As per, I've even heard that a large part of the money made from this site goes for funding various terrorist activities. Don't know how much truth lies behind this statement though. But yeah, we must refrain from using this site, for both reasons, the funding thing (for even .1% of truth in it!) and because of promoting piracy.
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  • Rahul Jamgade

    MemberFeb 9, 2012

    If that's a true news, BINGO!! Indians don't much believe in retaliating and reverting back!! When they didn't do anything for 26/11, well this is so small in comparison to that.
    As per, I've even heard that a large part of the money made from this site goes for funding various terrorist activities. Don't know how much truth lies behind this statement though. But yeah, we must refrain from using this site, for both reasons, the funding thing (for even .1% of truth in it!) and because of promoting piracy.
    Guys Let me make the point clear here. The site could be intentionally hosted so as to damage and hurt the Indian Music Industry by distributing the pirated music to Indians itself. Secondly if you at all browse the site and click certain links , even if you do not download or install anything from the site , you cannot guarantee that the site can't be used for hacking users . If one can place malicious content on the website, this could lead to hacking of user accounts who visit the website.
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