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  • Prady

    MemberOct 28, 2007

    If I think of people working as embedded systems engineer then they must be having some of these skills:

    Assembly language programming
    C Language programming
    Devices like RISC processor, DSP or 8051 chip
    Embedded Communication Systems (Protocols suites)
    Real Time Operating Systems
    Computer Organization
    Logic design and Some Hardware internals
    Digital and analog design techniques
    System design techniques

    There are various engineering fields where embedded systems are used like:

    Telecom/Mobile Communication
    Industrial engineering
    Computers /Peripherals
    Consumer Electronics
    Medical Equipment
    Electronic equipments

    Depending upon the above fields one is working on s/he acquire skills.

    For a freshman, I think linux internals, C/C++ programming on linux systems and may be a bit of device driver or kernel level programming on linux will be good enough to land into a job.

    Once you get into a job, you can start exploring more.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 29, 2007

    Dear CE members,
    As we all know EMbedded system is growing on a fast pace.I am intrested in stepping in this feld.SO..what are the skills required for this field?
    PLz let me know...!
    Assuming that you are a newbie to the world of embedded systems, you might spend Rs.500/ or ( $11.5 ) to get a video courseware on Embedded Systems from KSET - #-Link-Snipped-#

    Have a look at it 😀 , might help!

    -The Big K-
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  • blach

    MemberDec 20, 2010

    i think you must see this before to have a good idea about a world embedded systems:

    good night !!!
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