  • Let's see what our CEans have to say about this.

    Many colleges and corporates have a dress-code policy. Some of the colleges have their own uniform and some of the big corporates ask you to wear business formals on Monday - Tuesday, allow semi-formals on Wednesday - Thursday and casuals on Fridays.

    Do you think you attire has anything to do with the way you work? Do you think dress-codes actually reflect the culture of an organization? Do you think its better to have a dress-code at workplaces?

    Let the world know your opinion!
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    I personally do not favor dress codes or uniforms. If it is a public organization than a big no to dress codes. A private organization has the right to inforce any dress codes they wish. I think unless you are dealing directly with the public or clients than what does it matter what you wear. The personal freedom and increased comfort can improve productivity, that's why a lot of cutting edge businesses have no policy at all (like IT).
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    Well, dress codes do reflect on the culture and the office environment. There is something to that.

    But as long as one is not working in a role, where they are expected to adhere to certain norms e.g a BD person, a CEO, etc 😀 ... its ok to then dress as per your comfort.

    The CEO of one of the firms I used to work with used to say, I dont care what clothes you wear to office, as long as you wear them!!

    And thats what matters 😀
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    Man, If I was the boss of a company, I don't want my employees to be too slacking in their dress code. At least maintain some professionalism! I believe its about balance; not too strict as to confine creativity, but not too slacking to make employees lazy.

    I suppose I agree the dress code is a reflection of the culture of the institution. Think about the military; one of the ways to instill discipline is to make sure the uniforms are immaculate.
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    Fair enough, but theres a difference between discipline and professionalism. As long as the job gets done, why have strict issues about what you get to wear and what you dont. Such rules cut individuality, creativity ... thats precisely why its needed in the army.

    Take Google for example, they do not have any dress code ... same goes for Microsoft ... developers can choose to come in sneakers and shorts, if they want to.

    So lets look at the objective, getting the job done. If that is independent of what you wear, then why have a dress code? If that is not, then please look into having a dress code.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 17, 2008

    Well, I believe that the dress code doesn't have any effect on the way people work. However, it is an indicator of 'discipline'.

    As Kidakaka said, there is a difference between discipline and professionalism. In my opinion, professionalism is related to the way of working and it should not be affected by the way you dress.

    I was wondering why Indian IT Giant Infosys asks its employees to follow different dress codes on different days of week ( Friday -> Casuals can be understood 😉 )
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  • friendster7

    MemberMar 17, 2008

    I do not favor dress codes or depends on the individual.his likes r is always good to change and try out different color and style..

    and it will be good for market also..ha ha ha ...(just kidding)..
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 17, 2008

    I knew one of you will bring google up 😉

    Oh well, I still think you should have some sorta dress code in a workplace. That doesnt mean a specific colour or style. Just means: wear decently. That decency is the "uniformity" here, but you are no restricted to the colour you wear.

    And I think discipline does play a little role, if not a big one. Coming to work on time, not extending the lunch time, going home late to finish work etc. I'm sure its quite common in India to set a meeting at a particular time, but the others come late. Happens often here in Malaysia! I think im going off topic here with the discipline stuff. But I think a certain dress code would help with that.

    I mentioned the military to link the aspect of work and dress code. So, the dress code is a MUST for some types of work. Other examples include: air stewardess.

    I think im jumbling my points up.. my apologies for that!
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  • just2rock

    MemberMar 17, 2008

    crap...cant find anything else;-)
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  • just2rock

    MemberMar 17, 2008

    So lets look at the objective, getting the job done. If that is independent of what you wear, then why have a dress code? If that is not, then please look into having a dress code.
    Thats true Kidakaka😛....engineers or any professionals are hirred nly to fulfill desired what to do with dress code...we Stay in Democratic dont know about the rest of world;-)
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  • crazysandy

    MemberMar 17, 2008

    Uniform's are suitable only in few places. As ash mentioned uniform's are must in military because we can easily differentiate enimies and our people while we are on war. And wherever hospitality is there dress code will be better. In IT companies do you expect any Enemies to differentiate or do you want to provide hospitality to anyone?😒 According to me its no. In work especially in IT companies its better to wear clothes as per your comfort. I go to my office wearing clothes according to my wish, only for meetings i prefer formals.;-)
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 18, 2008

    I knew one of you will bring google up 😉

    Oh well, I still think you should have some sorta dress code in a workplace. That doesnt mean a specific colour or style. Just means: wear decently. That decency is the "uniformity" here, but you are no restricted to the colour you wear.

    And I think discipline does play a little role, if not a big one. Coming to work on time, not extending the lunch time, going home late to finish work etc. I'm sure its quite common in India to set a meeting at a particular time, but the others come late. Happens often here in Malaysia! I think im going off topic here with the discipline stuff. But I think a certain dress code would help with that.

    I mentioned the military to link the aspect of work and dress code. So, the dress code is a MUST for some types of work. Other examples include: air stewardess.

    I think im jumbling my points up.. my apologies for that!
    Speaking of air hostess, I always thought it was funny that they wear a uniform. Only 150 people around, if they are pushing the drink cart up & down the aisle etc... they're more than likely working. =)

    Discipline is vital however I feel that is best inforced via coaching for improved performance/reviews. I know you do to, It just can be hard if you are managing both employees' performance characteristics and other areas (like clothing police) all at the same time.
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberMar 18, 2008

    Shucks .. I always pitied the stewards and air hostesses for putting up with such crappy (pardon my french) uniforms. Atleast some low cost airlines let them play around with the lenght of the skirt for individuality *thanks the policy* 😀

    The firm should believe in the Theory Y, wherein all the employees stick to their roles and responsibilities. But that doesnt happen in real life, thats why firms like Infy, et al have dress codes like this ... ties on Monday, Tuesday!!
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  • MaRo

    MemberMar 19, 2008

    I don't prefer uniforms, just a small porch or card stuck on the top, this is very good and maintains individuality.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 19, 2008

    Ok, I guess its my fault for talking about "uniforms" in the first place 😉 Obviously we dont wear uniforms in workplaces (i.e same colour, same style). Thats not what I'm talking about.

    When I said:
    I suppose I agree the dress code is a reflection of the culture of the institution. Think about the military; one of the ways to instill discipline is to make sure the uniforms are immaculate.
    I mentioned the military to link the aspect of work and dress code. So, the dress code is a MUST for some types of work. Other examples include: air stewardess.
    It was to reflect the role and perhaps culture of the organization of the place. I agree its not a sole method of instilling discipline, but.. whatever helps a little, right?

    However, I did say it would be nice to maintain some sort of.. er.. formality in the office. Business shirt, tie, business pants, work shoes.. not round neck t-shirts (except maybe the CE-Tee!), shorts and slippers (chappels?). Of course, as an engineer on the field, you'd wear something more rugged.

    crazysandy, I think nowadays military uniforms are designed to camouflage onself into the environment. Funny you mentioned about hospitality, though (hint: nurses) 😛

    Anyhow, I hope we arent going off topic.. keep the discussion going!
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  • vivekji

    MemberMar 27, 2008

    There are few things which distinguishes people, one among them is the way they dress, We are not freaks to go on with cargos or some groovy outfits let us all be Engineers,
    let us all be professionals,
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 27, 2008

    There are few things which distinguishes people, one among them is the way they dress, We are not freaks to go on with cargos or some groovy outfits let us all be Engineers,
    let us all be professionals,
    Vivek, how would you connect being professional to the attire?
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberApr 13, 2008

    I just wanted to discuss the peculiarity about both the places we are talking about i.e college and workplace. A dress code in college is always awaited by college going dudes.. all those days... Black and white,blue day,checks day... At that level ,its fun to celebrate a day ( for no occasion) with others...How did dressing everyone in same colour or pattern bring fun to us,how did that bring those lovely smiles on our faces?( I know most of you reading have already started smiling remembering those silly things you did as a collegiate! ) The days change and most of us either end up as entrepreneurs or as employees... Some things in life change but we never connect to what we do!
    Well but for the workplace much as we all say.. 'First impression is the last impression' I would not like anyone to judge my skills from my attire but at the same time I wouldn't want others to prolong the judgement for an Attire!
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  • vivekji

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    I personally do not favor dress codes or uniforms. If it is a public organization than a big no to dress codes. A private organization has the right to inforce any dress codes they wish. I think unless you are dealing directly with the public or clients than what does it matter what you wear. The personal freedom and increased comfort can improve productivity, that's why a lot of cutting edge businesses have no policy at all (like IT).

    Freedom means responsibility my friend, the more the free you are the more likely you are likely to commit sin.....
    Even if you are dealing with public.
    Remember this

    "A Bomb is a Bomb, whereever it may be"-Netaji
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  • vivekji

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    I just wanted to discuss the peculiarity about both the places we are talking about i.e college and workplace. A dress code in college is always awaited by college going dudes.. all those days... Black and white,blue day,checks day... At that level ,its fun to celebrate a day ( for no occasion) with others...How did dressing everyone in same colour or pattern bring fun to us,how did that bring those lovely smiles on our faces?( I know most of you reading have already started smiling remembering those silly things you did as a collegiate! ) The days change and most of us either end up as entrepreneurs or as employees... Some things in life change but we never connect to what we do!
    Well but for the workplace much as we all say.. 'First impression is the last impression' I would not like anyone to judge my skills from my attire but at the same time I wouldn't want others to prolong the judgement for an Attire!
    Well to be realistic
    People notice you first and then your dress,
    Soldiers don't get bored wearing uniforms, on the other hand they say it inspires them in to action
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  • vivekji

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    Vivek, how would you connect being professional to the attire?
    Well there exists an unwritten, but well known professional dress code......for both the genders.
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  • technospartan

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    well some ceans have mentioned that the dress code in colleges and companies reflect the work environment of that place,of that is the reason then why dont we have Global IT giants like microsoft and google hav their developers wearin formals as put forward by cean KIDAKAKA . its ok to have formals in board meetings and mergers.but what do we have to do with a 24 hour professionalism???? all i would like to say is
    ITS LIVE TO THE FULLEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    Hear hear! Technospartan 😀
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  • vivekji

    MemberApr 15, 2008

    Hospitable dress are good and agreeable, but few guys and gals are not able to distinguish between Hosptiable dresses and provocative dresses.
    😔 That is what happening in common😔

    Uniform's are suitable only in few places. As ash mentioned uniform's are must in military because we can easily differentiate enimies and our people while we are on war. And wherever hospitality is there dress code will be better. In IT companies do you expect any Enemies to differentiate or do you want to provide hospitality to anyone?😒 According to me its no. In work especially in IT companies its better to wear clothes as per your comfort. I go to my office wearing clothes according to my wish, only for meetings i prefer formals.;-)
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  • vigneshamar

    MemberJul 23, 2011

    There should be dress code in colleges and offices. Only good dressing makes a complete gentleman. We must learn to dress perfectly which presents a good image of ourselves. This will be very useful when we communicate with clients in offices.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 23, 2011

    Dress code can be avoided as now-a-days it is not so important. But these Engineering Colleges put pressure on giving importance to dress codes... 😔
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  • Sreejith T

    MemberAug 21, 2012

    I do not favor dress codes or depends on the individual.his likes r is always good to change and try out different color and style..

    and it will be good for market also..ha ha ha ...(just kidding)..
    I think the strict dress code policies are not so relevant .... coz it can make the staff to be bored on some occasions.... 😔
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 21, 2012

    Sreejith T
    I think the strict dress code policies are not so relevant .... coz it can make the staff to be bored on some occasions.... 😔

    I think the reason why companies make dress-code compulsory because a 'lot of' people do not have a sense of how to dress at a work-place. I've seen people wear really weird clothes (party-wear) at workplaces and then the HRs had to remind them that they're at work; not at a party. It just happens.

    Of course, it's all dependent on your company culture. There are several companies that don't make the dress-code compulsory.
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  • CE Designer

    MemberAug 22, 2012

    I'm on the pro side for dress codes. I believe it will affect progress and productivity. The dresscode at schools and workplaces eventually affects the culture. The culture will affect the people around you, have a public impact on the institution and therefore will affect the productivity of the institution and your productivity as well. Dresscode is also important for safety, your safety, eg. no long hair sleeves or jewelry around turning equipment and no short skirts to prevent sexual harassment. Other than that its about basic discipline and respect.
    Companies that usually enforce dress codes have an image to uphold, for example, office staff deals with customers and potential customers, so you respect them they respect you.
    P.S. Im also on the pro side for casual Fridays 😎
    If there is no code there are those people who will take it to the extreme and spoil it for the rest of us.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 22, 2012

    Having a dress code doesn't make sense... But people should have Dress Sense, which makes sense. What say?
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  • PuneetVerma

    MemberAug 23, 2012

    Soemtimes I think there should be a Dress Code in Colleges. As far as Jeans T-Shirt is concerned, I think its Okay, But When I see some students wearing Kurta-Pajama in college, I really feel bad as there is not point of professionalism in our students/young breed. In Punjab, You may often see students wearing those traditional apparels in Technical Colleges. Its okay/very good to follow your tradition / culture but there should be some limits, rules which must be followed.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 23, 2012

    i dont believe in uniforms if the minds of the men in uniform are conflicted
    the uniform is of voidance
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  • archlpe

    MemberAug 28, 2012

    depends at what place they work, for example if it is a manufacturing unit, uniform is beneficial for variety of reasons including prevention of injuries and environmental impact on clothes, while those working at offices may not require any dress code,
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  • Debasmita Banerjee

    MemberJan 28, 2016

    I believe the debate topic has pros and cons for both sides. I would not emphasize only on one side rather would like to cover both sides and try to make a conclusion, according to my ideas.

    On a short one-line note, there is no need of uniforms in school-collages up to a certain extent and the percentage is more than 50%. So supporting that there's no need of uniforms. Reason: In core sense, school-collage, corporate places mean study and business. And in business I don't find a reason why dressing up like a joker or a ninja would effect the business, if the wearer is comfortable in wearing it. According to me professionalism doesn't reflect from what we wear, rather what we think or speak. Besides, its all perspective and any perspective thing cant decide a definite rule.

    On the other hand uniform actually equalize us amidst the diversity. I believe if uniform is required, then the reason will be for discarding worth (in terms of money) factor from the same section or class or company. In many places it also helps to segregate a candidate of a team from other team such as sports events,warfare etc.

    not connected with the aforementioned topic ->(Ultimately this topic will never have a permanent solution and that's why sometimes debating seems dragging but enjoyable ^personal opinion)
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  • siriil

    MemberFeb 27, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Let's see what our CEans have to say about this.

    Many colleges and corporates have a dress-code policy. Some of the colleges have their own uniform and some of the big corporates ask you to wear business formals on Monday - Tuesday, allow semi-formals on Wednesday - Thursday and casuals on Fridays.

    Do you think you attire has anything to do with the way you work? Do you think dress-codes actually reflect the culture of an organization? Do you think its better to have a dress-code at workplaces?

    Let the world know your opinion!
    Nope. Bad idea.
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  • harini nair

    MemberMay 20, 2016

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Let's see what our CEans have to say about this.

    Many colleges and corporates have a dress-code policy. Some of the colleges have their own uniform and some of the big corporates ask you to wear business formals on Monday - Tuesday, allow semi-formals on Wednesday - Thursday and casuals on Fridays.

    Do you think you attire has anything to do with the way you work? Do you think dress-codes actually reflect the culture of an organization? Do you think its better to have a dress-code at workplaces?

    Let the world know your opinion!
    "sure its part of culture ,confidence and uniformity for peoples"
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