  • Hi CEans,

    When I was surfing the newspaper an article catched my eyes and I want to throw a discussion here. The news is that a school from NewZealand has created a app for smartphones and the app does the process of notifying every updates from the school .It may be a circular or a notification or a change in time table.I had seen some apps out there only for the purpose of results but there is no other app on other things. So is there an need to create an app for it ?Can this method decrease the gap between the organization(school / college) and students and help in sharing everything in a simple click.

    It should be a app for all(i.e every option should be provided so that the student may select the school/college and know more updates on their school/college).IS it possible?Is there any other app like that?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 31, 2013

    👀 I have a feeling that CrazyEngineers team is soon going to work on something that works on the similar lines. 😁

    If any of us CEans believes in this idea or something that is useful and relevant to this concept, please pour in your thoughts here.
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