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  • shreyasm89

    MemberFeb 15, 2011

    Sting ops seem to be conducted by the media houses, have been successful in blowing the lid off multi-crore scams, and have exposed many prominent citizens. I think it is the best way to catch the authorities when they abuse their position to acquire wealth. But the truth is there is a limit to the authenticity of the sting operations. Corruption is everywhere, so I'm pretty sure the wrong-doers will find a way around by playing extra safe and executing their nefarious designs in a more discrete way. Also media tends to cross the line, when it starts peeking into the personal lives of actors, politicians etc. It is a great way to expose 'corruption' but for anything else it becomes a vulgar display of illicit affairs.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberFeb 15, 2011

    Yes String operations should be carried out! But media should use this properly for good ones!
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