  • Of late there are many queries on recovering energy from ambient sources like vehicle speed breakers,vehicles traversing level roads etc. Excluding the blatantly perpetual motion based schemes, most of the rest will go to increase fuel consumption ultimately. Some of them can even be hazardous.

    While it may be entertaining to speculate, should we also point out some of these issues?
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberSep 25, 2011

    Yes wind energy is sometimes less explored. The speeds can accelerate to great extends in all sorts of vehicles. Why can't miniature wind farms a.k.a wind mills be set up on vehicles??? Of course such a design would require fan blades, but i think the automobile designers can try something out. A car could be designed in such a way that it's doors and sides carry miniature rotating fans or blades that rotate with the speeds. For this a coating of some "breathable material" can be used to cover over the blades. Even hard plastics can prove to be good wind blades.
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