  • They say which Python version you ought to use is mostly dependent on what you want to get done.

    There's a few downsides to Python 3.x such as comparatively limited library support and the fact that most current Linux distributions and Macs are still using 2.x as default.

    What do you suggest?
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  • durga ch

    MemberJul 15, 2011

    I feel its better to use the one which is already standard for learniing experience, givne the fact that Beta versions or the newer versions are bug prone and learners don't end up getting confused by constant updates
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJul 15, 2011

    Some good news: Most operating systems other than Windows already have Python installed by default.

    I am working on Mac OS X.

    Check: #-Link-Snipped-#

    To check that Python is installed, open a command line (typically by running the "Terminal" program), and cd to the google-python-exercises directory. Try the following to run the program (what you type is shown in bold):

    ~/google-python-exercises$ python
    Hello World

    ~/google-python-exercises$ python Alice
    Hello Alice
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 15, 2011

    I prefer Python 2.x because of its widest support for libs and also many systems are equipped with it... The system with later versions have also backward compatibility by using 2.x, 😀 so it is better to use 2.x than to use 3.x. 😀
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